CCBlueX / Old-LiquidBounce-Issues

Issue tracker for LiquidBounce.
20 stars 8 forks source link bot bypass #1604

Closed cui0v0 closed 6 years ago

cui0v0 commented 6 years ago

A server from China, it has the best bots and it powered by the modified AAC, server say it calls FHK and WatchCat. The server is 夜梦萌雨(A dream of the rain)(The english name just by using a translate service, it isn't official name) Server ip :, it is a unofficial server so you just can use Cracked alts to play.

It may has the best bots in the world. When I open Antibot, if I can use Killaura to attack players and a little time, later, the AntiCheat will kick me and sometimes it will ban me for few days, if I can't attack the bots , I just can't attack players, too.

Here are GIFs to show this bot: AntiCheat's bot: anticheat bots First Antibot Config: first antibot config Using Killaura's Config: using killaura s config Antibot couldn't bypass this bot: antibot couldn t bypass this bot

I wish CCBlueX can make Antibot bypass it. Thanks for helping!

1zun4 commented 6 years ago

I will checkout that... but I can't join... Maybe I need to use a china vpn.

1zun4 commented 6 years ago

oh it worked. I use now a japanese vpn.

1zun4 commented 6 years ago

KitPvP is currently offline.

1zun4 commented 6 years ago

Um, yes. The bots seems to working good but I think I can bypass the bots very easy. I have a very good idea.

1zun4 commented 6 years ago

It work... but it also detect some legit player... .-. I need to find a way to fix that.

cui0v0 commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much! I think Chinese users will love that!

superblaubeere27 commented 6 years ago

But you live in china, so you havn't got internet access, are you?

cui0v0 commented 6 years ago

Ummm, we can use Github in China Mainland, but we couldn't use YouTube. So, if we want to open YouTube, we must use VPN. And ... I am too busy today... So just that...

superblaubeere27 commented 6 years ago

@cui0v0 oh :open_mouth:

chinaGM123 commented 6 years ago

@cui0v0 21世纪了中国还有你这种卖国贼,中国人的脸都给这种废物丢尽了。

cui0v0 commented 6 years ago


ChinaGM1234 commented 6 years ago

@cui0v0 中国就是多出了你们这些,自己垃圾不知道练技术只知道开挂的孤儿 ,所以别的游戏才会各种锁区和代理。 开挂也就算了,开不了挂还出去舔老外,跟狗一样,国人技术比国外强的时候,就是因为你们这些狗,才导致国人总不能超越老外的原因,既丢国人脸,又开挂。 如果你有能力,自己编个挂,这我没话说,至少也不会把脸丢了

cui0v0 commented 6 years ago


AutyLast commented 6 years ago

@cui0v0 走狗?恐怕整个MC不开挂的都是你口中所谓的"走狗"了,以你的孤儿身份,他们都是你爸爸,好心收养还不知恩,还反咬一口,你觉得你不是傻狗是什么?还有中国版是你这种低能废物孤儿只能舔老外的能开的?无能在中国版开但孤儿本性难改,还去中国其他服破坏游戏体验,你是真的废物,舔个挂还这么有理?无论是什么游戏什么服务器开挂就是孤儿,中国玩家口碑就是给你这种傻狗给拉低的。 说我骂人?你觉得正常玩家对孤儿需要素质吗?

1zun4 commented 6 years ago

I added it, but it seem to don't work for and the problem is that I just have only 1 vpn server in japanese to test it and the server is currently ip banned. Maybe I have a another idea, but for the first I must remove it from b31 milestone.

1zun4 commented 6 years ago

You must use NeedHit setting to bypass the bots for the first time, but its important to disable all other antibot checks because the b30 AntiBot has a little bug (

cui0v0 commented 6 years ago

Alright... I think I can try to do that. Thanks for replying!

cui0v0 commented 6 years ago

Now the server doesn't have bot, but the shit Killaura detection will detect me when I respawn and I still enable Killaura...

ghost commented 6 years ago

Thanks @Marco-MC

ghost commented 6 years ago

I tried Another paid Hacks which called "Skid" b10.5 in But The Server Admin Buy the client and found it's bugs so... When you join the server with that client The client will Boom and System.exit in 1 minutes Crazy And the server admin is also Finding LiquidBounce's Bugs(AAC Full checks turned on) so You will got Checked and Kicked in 10 minutes(Because of the bot&&AAC Heuristics100%check)

ghost commented 6 years ago

But the Bot it's easy to bypass I tested it with my private client Just Check Item in hand(==null)

ghost commented 6 years ago

@chinaGM123 @ChinaGM1234 那么喜欢开小号到这来秀素质??说别人脸没了,自己脸都不知道有没有了,还到这来注册两个号真是精神障害

ghost commented 6 years ago

emm.The Server Admin is Watching this too

MinecraftChinaPlayer commented 6 years ago

@CrackFileso @cui0v0 吃瓜群众表示看着孤儿舔老外 这个我觉得可以发到群里 看看你有几个父母

MinecraftChinaPlayer commented 6 years ago

本来网易服就做的不好 现在国内私服又都是挂 中国是不存在可以玩的MC服务器了 都是你们这群孤儿害得

MinecraftChinaPlayer commented 6 years ago


KawaiiFall commented 6 years ago


KawaiiFall commented 6 years ago


KawaiiFall commented 6 years ago


ghost commented 6 years ago

@MinecraftChinaPlayer 笑看txgs888大佬,自己不就是mc233的吗。开小号到这来羞不羞.

ghost commented 6 years ago

@MinecraftChinaPlayer txgs888大佬怕网易动了自己私服的奶酪,又自己违反eula,只好注册小号真的是弱智.

mc233cn commented 6 years ago

@CrackFileso 那小子在牢里呢 就是看不惯你们这种舔老外还开挂的孤儿

mc233cn commented 6 years ago

@CrackFileso 你使劲舔 我就怼上你们这些孤儿了

mc233cn commented 6 years ago

@CrackFileso 不要停 最好叫CCBlue爸爸 拉近你们之间的关系 这样效率会高一点

mc233cn commented 6 years ago

@CrackFileso @KawaiiFall 中国的废物孤儿 真他妈丢脸

mc233cn commented 6 years ago

@KawaiiFall 就你这B样还扯社会?还是躲在自己狗窝里开挂吧,别出去网吧开挂被社会人看到打死 傻狗

KawaiiFall commented 6 years ago

@mc233cn 开挂就是孤儿了?你有什么权利说别人孤儿?我看你自己是孤儿太孤独才说别人孤儿吧?继续BB,还他妈叛国,我去尼玛的大脸盆,又没有泄露国家机密

KawaiiFall commented 6 years ago


KawaiiFall commented 6 years ago


zmz2333 commented 6 years ago

@mc233cn 中国黑客惹你了?你妈妈死绝了也不会管你,明确告诉你,你的反作弊很弱,是垃圾

zmz2333 commented 6 years ago

@mc233cn 开挂就是孤儿了?

zmz2333 commented 6 years ago

@mc233cn 羞不羞,羞不羞,你的大厅登录插件就是拿我的插件魔改的

zmz2333 commented 6 years ago

@mc233cn 舔老外?然后呢?是你妈逼?我操你妈的,你个狗急跳墙的废物,拿着jbytedit也就有能力改改我的插件

Teals53 commented 6 years ago

chineseeeeee xD