CCBlueX / Old-LiquidBounce-Issues

Issue tracker for LiquidBounce.
20 stars 8 forks source link

Improve value system #3005

Closed 1zun4 closed 5 years ago

1zun4 commented 5 years ago


The slightly better value system is not noticeable for users.

1zun4 commented 5 years ago

Fixed json

  "targets": {
    "TargetPlayer": true,
    "TargetMobs": true,
    "TargetAnimals": false,
    "TargetInvisible": false,
    "TargetDead": false
  "features": {
    "AntiForge": true,
    "AntiForgeFML": true,
    "AntiForgeProxy": true,
    "AntiForgePayloads": true,
    "BungeeSpoof": false
  "mainmenu": {
    "Style": "New"
  "thealtening": {
    "API-Key": ""
  "liquidchat": {
    "token": ""
  "Aimbot": {
    "Range": "4.4",
    "TurnSpeed": "2.0",
    "FOV": "180.0",
    "OnClick": "false",
    "Jitter": "false"
  "AntiBlind": {
    "Confusion": "true",
    "Pumpkin": "true",
    "Fire": "false"
  "AntiBot": {
    "Tab": "false",
    "TabMode": "Contains",
    "EntityID": "false",
    "Color": "true",
    "LivingTime": "true",
    "Ground": "true",
    "Air": "false",
    "InvaildGround": "false",
    "Swing": "false",
    "Health": "false",
    "Derp": "true",
    "WasInvisible": "false",
    "Armor": "false",
    "Ping": "false",
    "NeedHit": "false"
  "AtAllProvider": {
    "MaxDelay": "1000",
    "MinDelay": "500",
    "Retry": "false"
  "AutoArmor": {
    "MaxDelay": "125",
    "MinDelay": "75",
    "InvOpen": "false",
    "SimulateInventory": "true",
    "NoMove": "false",
    "ItemDelay": "0",
    "Hotbar": "true"
  "AutoClicker": {
    "MaxCPS": "8",
    "MinCPS": "5",
    "Right": "true",
    "Left": "true",
    "Jitter": "false"
  "AutoLeave": {
    "Health": "8.0",
    "Mode": "Quit"
  "AutoPot": {
    "Health": "15.0",
    "Delay": "377",
    "OpenInv": "false",
    "NoAir": "false",
    "Mode": "Normal"
  "AutoRespawn": {
    "Instant": "true"
  "AutoSoup": {
    "Health": "15.0",
    "Delay": "150",
    "OpenInv": "false"
  "AutoWeapon": {
    "SpoofItem": "true"
  "Blink": {
    "Pulse": "false",
    "PulseDelay": "1000"
  "BlockESP": {
    "Mode": "Box",
    "ID": "168",
    "Radius": "40",
    "R": "255",
    "G": "179",
    "B": "72",
    "Rainbow": "false"
  "BlockOverlay": {
    "R": "68",
    "G": "117",
    "B": "255",
    "Rainbow": "false",
    "Info": "false"
  "BlockWalk": {
    "Cobweb": "true",
    "Snow": "true"
  "BowAimbot": {
    "Silent": "true",
    "Predict": "true",
    "PredictSize": "2.0",
    "Priority": "Direction",
    "Mark": "true"
  "Breadcrumbs": {
    "R": "255",
    "G": "179",
    "B": "72",
    "Rainbow": "false"
  "BufferSpeed": {
    "SpeedLimit": "true",
    "MaxSpeed": "2.0",
    "Buffer": "true",
    "Stairs": "true",
    "StairsBoost": "1.87",
    "StairsMode": "New",
    "Slabs": "true",
    "SlabsBoost": "1.87",
    "SlabsMode": "New",
    "Ice": "false",
    "IceBoost": "1.342",
    "Snow": "true",
    "SnowBoost": "1.87",
    "SnowPort": "true",
    "Wall": "true",
    "WallBoost": "1.87",
    "WallMode": "New",
    "HeadBlock": "true",
    "HeadBlockBoost": "1.87",
    "Slime": "true",
    "AirStrafe": "false",
    "NoHurt": "true"
  "BugUp": {
    "Mode": "FlyFlag",
    "FallDistance": "2.0"
  "Chams": {
    "Targets": "true",
    "Chests": "true",
    "Items": "true"
  "ChestAura": {
    "Range": "5.0",
    "Delay": "100",
    "ThroughWalls": "true",
    "VisualSwing": "true",
    "Chest": "54"
  "ChestStealer": {
    "MaxDelay": "50",
    "MinDelay": "25",
    "TakeRandomized": "true",
    "OnlyItems": "false",
    "NoCompass": "false",
    "AutoClose": "true",
    "AutoCloseMaxDelay": "2",
    "AutoCloseMinDelay": "1",
    "CloseOnFull": "true",
    "ChestTitle": "true"
  "CivBreak": {
    "Air-Reset": "true",
    "Range-Reset": "true",
    "Rotations": "true"
  "ClickGUI": {
    "Style": "Slowly",
    "Scale": "0.76",
    "MaxElements": "15",
    "R": "0",
    "G": "160",
    "B": "255",
    "Rainbow": "false"
  "ConsoleSpammer": {
    "Mode": "Payload",
    "Delay": "0"
  "Criticals": {
    "Mode": "NoGround",
    "Delay": "0"
  "Damage": {
    "Mode": "NCP",
    "Damage": "1"
  "Derp": {
    "Headless": "false",
    "Spinny": "false",
    "Increment": "1.0"
  "ESP": {
    "Mode": "ShaderOutline",
    "Outline-Width": "3.0",
    "WireFrame-Width": "2.0",
    "ShaderOutline-Radius": "1.35",
    "ShaderGlow-Radius": "2.3",
    "R": "255",
    "G": "255",
    "B": "255",
    "Rainbow": "false",
    "Team": "false"
  "FastBow": {
    "Packets": "20"
  "FastBreak": {
    "BreakDamage": "0.8"
  "FastClimb": {
    "Mode": "Normal",
    "NormalSpeed": "0.28"
  "FastPlace": {
    "Speed": "0"
  "FastStairs": {
    "Mode": "NCP",
    "LongJump": "false"
  "FastUse": {
    "Mode": "AAC",
    "Delay": "0"
  "Fly": {
    "Mode": "LatestHypixel",
    "VanillaSpeed": "2.0",
    "VanillaKickBypass": "false",
    "MineplexSpeed": "1.0",
    "NCPMotion": "0.0",
    "AACSpeed": "0.3",
    "AAC3.3.12-Motion": "10.0",
    "AAC3.3.13-Motion": "10.0",
    "NeruxVace-Ticks": "6",
    "HypixelLatest-Boost": "false",
    "HypixelLatest-BoostDelay": "1200",
    "HypixelLatest-BoostTimer": "1.0",
    "Mark": "true"
  "FreeCam": {
    "Speed": "0.8",
    "Fly": "true",
    "NoClip": "true"
  "Fucker": {
    "ID": "26",
    "Instant": "false",
    "ThroughWalls": "None",
    "Swing": "true",
    "Rotations": "true",
    "Surroundings": "true",
    "Action": "Destroy",
    "NoHit": "false"
  "Fullbright": {
    "Mode": "Gamma"
  "GhostHand": {
    "ID": "54"
  "HUD": {
    "BlackHotbar": "true",
    "InventoryParticle": "false",
    "Blur": "false",
    "FontChat": "false"
  "HighJump": {
    "Height": "2.0",
    "Mode": "Vanilla",
    "OnlyGlassPane": "false"
  "HitBox": {
    "Size": "0.4"
  "IceSpeed": {
    "Mode": "NCP"
  "Ignite": {
    "Lighter": "true",
    "Lava": "true"
  "InventoryCleaner": {
    "MaxDelay": "95",
    "MinDelay": "63",
    "InvOpen": "true",
    "SimulateInventory": "true",
    "NoMove": "false",
    "Hotbar": "true",
    "RandomSlot": "true",
    "Sort": "true",
    "ItemDelay": "5",
    "SortSlot-1": "Sword",
    "SortSlot-2": "Bow",
    "SortSlot-3": "Pickaxe",
    "SortSlot-4": "Axe",
    "SortSlot-5": "None",
    "SortSlot-6": "None",
    "SortSlot-7": "Food",
    "SortSlot-8": "Block",
    "SortSlot-9": "Block"
  "InventoryMove": {
    "AACAdditionPro": "false",
    "NoMoveClicks": "false"
  "ItemESP": {
    "Mode": "Box",
    "R": "0",
    "G": "255",
    "B": "0",
    "Rainbow": "true"
  "ItemTeleport": {
    "Mode": "New",
    "ResetAfterTP": "true",
    "Button": "Middle"
  "Kick": {
    "Mode": "Quit"
  "KillAura": {
    "MaxCPS": "14",
    "MinCPS": "7",
    "HurtTime": "10",
    "Range": "4.31",
    "ThroughWallsRange": "4.15",
    "RangeSprintReducement": "0.2",
    "Priority": "Health",
    "TargetMode": "Single",
    "MultiMode": "NCP",
    "Swing": "true",
    "KeepSprint": "true",
    "AutoBlock": "false",
    "InteractAutoBlock": "false",
    "BlockRate": "100",
    "AAC": "true",
    "RayCast": "true",
    "RayCastIgnored": "true",
    "LivingRayCast": "false",
    "Predict": "true",
    "MaxPredictSize": "1.12",
    "MinPredictSize": "0.5",
    "NoInvAttack": "false",
    "NoInvDelay": "200",
    "FailRate": "0.0",
    "LimitedMultiTargets": "0",
    "MaxTurnSpeed": "173.61",
    "MinTurnSpeed": "156.03",
    "FakeSwing": "false",
    "SilentRotation": "true",
    "RandomCenter": "false",
    "Outborder": "false",
    "FOV": "180.0",
    "Mark": "true",
    "FakeSharp": "false"
  "LiquidChat": {
    "JWT": "false"
  "LiquidWalk": {
    "Mode": "NCP"
  "LongJump": {
    "Mode": "NCP",
    "NCPBoost": "4.25",
    "AutoJump": "false"
  "NameProtect": {
    "FakeName": "\u0026cMe",
    "AllPlayers": "false",
    "SkinProtect": "true"
  "NameTags": {
    "Health": "true",
    "Ping": "true",
    "Distance": "false",
    "Armor": "true",
    "ClearNames": "true",
    "Font": {
      "fontName": "Roboto Medium",
      "fontSize": 40
    "Scale": "1.0"
  "NoFOV": {
    "FOV": "1.31"
  "NoFall": {
    "Mode": "NoGround"
  "NoRotateSet": {
    "Confirm": "true",
    "ConfirmIllegalRotation": "true",
    "NoZero": "true"
  "NoSlow": {
    "Sword": "NCP",
    "Consume": "NCP",
    "Bow": "NCP",
    "Soulsand": "false",
    "CustomReducement": "0.6"
  "NoSwing": {
    "ServerSide": "true"
  "NoWeb": {
    "Mode": "Rewi"
  "Nuker": {
    "Radius": "5.2",
    "ThroughWalls": "false"
  "Phase": {
    "Mode": "Vanilla"
  "PingSpoof": {
    "MaxDelay": "750",
    "MinDelay": "500"
  "Projectiles": {
    "DynamicBowPower": "true"
  "ProphuntESP": {
    "R": "0",
    "G": "90",
    "B": "255",
    "Rainbow": "false"
  "RazerKeyboard": {
    "Keys": "true",
    "Health": "false",
    "UpdateDelay": "50"
  "Reach": {
    "CombatReach": "3.5",
    "BuildReach": "5.0"
  "Regen": {
    "Mode": "Vanilla",
    "Health": "18",
    "Food": "18",
    "Speed": "100",
    "NoAir": "false"
  "ReverseStep": {
    "Motion": "1.0"
  "SafeWalk": {
    "AirSafe": "false"
  "Scaffold": {
    "Mode": "Normal",
    "MaxDelay": "0",
    "MinDelay": "0",
    "AutoBlock": "true",
    "StayAutoBlock": "true",
    "Sprint": "true",
    "Swing": "false",
    "Search": "true",
    "Eagle": "false",
    "PlaceableDelay": "true",
    "BlocksToEagle": "0",
    "ExpandLength": "1",
    "Rotations": "true",
    "KeepRotation": "true",
    "Zitter": "false",
    "ZitterMode": "Teleport",
    "ZitterSpeed": "0.225",
    "ZitterStrength": "0.001",
    "Timer": "1.0",
    "SpeedModifier": "1.0",
    "SameY": "false",
    "AirSafe": "false",
    "Counter": "true",
    "Mark": "false"
  "ServerCrasher": {
    "Mode": "AACNew"
  "SkinDerp": {
    "Delay": "0",
    "Hat": "true",
    "Jacket": "true",
    "LeftPants": "true",
    "RightPants": "true",
    "LeftSleeve": "true",
    "RightSleeve": "true"
  "SlimeJump": {
    "Motion": "0.42",
    "Mode": "Add"
  "Sneak": {
    "Mode": "MineSecure",
    "StopMove": "false"
  "Spammer": {
    "MaxDelay": "3273",
    "MinDelay": "3273",
    "Message": "%s LiquidB0unce Client | liquidbounce(.net) %s",
    "Custom": "true"
  "Speed": {
    "Mode": "HypixelHop",
    "CustomSpeed": "1.6",
    "CustomY": "0.0",
    "CustomTimer": "1.0",
    "CustomStrafe": "true",
    "CustomResetXZ": "false",
    "CustomResetY": "false",
    "AAC-PortLength": "1.0",
    "AACGround-Timer": "3.0",
    "CubeCraft-PortLength": "1.0",
    "MineplexGround-Speed": "0.5"
  "Sprint": {
    "AllDirections": "false",
    "Blindness": "true",
    "Food": "true",
    "CheckServerSide": "false"
  "Step": {
    "Mode": "NCP",
    "Height": "1.0",
    "Delay": "0"
  "StorageESP": {
    "Mode": "Outline",
    "Chest": "true",
    "EnderChest": "true",
    "Furnace": "true",
    "Dispenser": "true",
    "Hopper": "true"
  "TNTBlock": {
    "Fuse": "10",
    "AutoSword": "true"
  "Teams": {
    "ScoreboardTeam": "true",
    "Color": "true"
  "Teleport": {
    "Mode": "Blink",
    "Button": "Middle"
  "Timer": {
    "Speed": "2.0"
  "Tower": {
    "Mode": "Jump",
    "AutoBlock": "true",
    "StayAutoBlock": "true",
    "Swing": "true",
    "StopWhenBlockAbove": "true",
    "Rotations": "true",
    "KeepRotation": "false",
    "OnJump": "false",
    "Timer": "1.0",
    "JumpMotion": "0.42",
    "JumpDelay": "0",
    "ConstantMotion": "0.42",
    "ConstantMotionJumpGround": "0.79",
    "TeleportHeight": "1.0",
    "TeleportDelay": "3",
    "TeleportGround": "true",
    "TeleportNoMotion": "false",
    "Counter": "true"
  "Trigger": {
    "MaxCPS": "8",
    "MinCPS": "5"
  "TrueSight": {
    "Barriers": "true",
    "Entities": "true"
  "VClip": {
    "Mode": "Teleport",
    "Y": "5.0"
  "Velocity": {
    "Horizontal": "0.0",
    "Vertical": "0.0",
    "Mode": "Simple",
    "ReverseStrength": "1.0",
    "Reverse2Strength": "0.05",
    "AACPushXZReducer": "2.0",
    "AACPushYReducer": "true"
  "WallClimb": {
    "Mode": "Simple",
    "ClipMode": "Fast",
    "CheckerClimbMotion": "0.0"
  "WaterFly": {
    "Motion": "0.5"
  "WaterSpeed": {
    "Speed": "1.2"
  "Zoot": {
    "BadEffects": "true",
    "Fire": "true",
    "NoAir": "false"

changed to

  "targets": {
    "TargetPlayer": true,
    "TargetMobs": true,
    "TargetAnimals": true,
    "TargetInvisible": false,
    "TargetDead": true
  "features": {
    "AntiForge": false,
    "AntiForgeFML": true,
    "AntiForgeProxy": true,
    "AntiForgePayloads": true,
    "BungeeSpoof": false
  "mainmenu": {
    "Style": "New"
  "thealtening": {
    "API-Key": ""
  "liquidchat": {
    "token": ""
  "Aimbot": {
    "Range": 8.0,
    "TurnSpeed": 180.0,
    "FOV": 180.0,
    "Center": false,
    "Lock": false,
    "OnClick": false,
    "Jitter": false
  "AntiBlind": {
    "Confusion": true,
    "Pumpkin": true,
    "Fire": false
  "AntiBot": {
    "Tab": false,
    "TabMode": "Contains",
    "EntityID": true,
    "Color": false,
    "LivingTime": false,
    "Ground": false,
    "Air": false,
    "InvaildGround": false,
    "Swing": false,
    "Health": false,
    "Derp": false,
    "WasInvisible": false,
    "Armor": false,
    "Ping": false,
    "NeedHit": true
  "AtAllProvider": {
    "MaxDelay": 1000,
    "MinDelay": 500,
    "Retry": false
  "AutoArmor": {
    "MaxDelay": 0,
    "MinDelay": 0,
    "InvOpen": false,
    "SimulateInventory": false,
    "NoMove": false,
    "ItemDelay": 0,
    "Hotbar": true
  "AutoClicker": {
    "MaxCPS": 12,
    "MinCPS": 8,
    "Right": true,
    "Left": true,
    "Jitter": false
  "AutoLeave": {
    "Health": 8.0,
    "Mode": "Quit"
  "AutoPot": {
    "Health": 15.0,
    "Delay": 0,
    "OpenInv": true,
    "NoAir": false,
    "Mode": "Normal"
  "AutoRespawn": {
    "Instant": true
  "AutoSoup": {
    "Health": 15.0,
    "Delay": 0,
    "OpenInv": true
  "AutoWeapon": {
    "SpoofItem": false
  "Blink": {
    "Pulse": false,
    "PulseDelay": 1000
  "BlockESP": {
    "Mode": "Box",
    "ID": 12,
    "Radius": 40,
    "R": 255,
    "G": 179,
    "B": 72,
    "Rainbow": false
  "BlockOverlay": {
    "R": 68,
    "G": 117,
    "B": 255,
    "Rainbow": false,
    "Info": false
  "BlockWalk": {
    "Cobweb": true,
    "Snow": true
  "BowAimbot": {
    "Silent": true,
    "Predict": true,
    "PredictSize": 5.0,
    "Priority": "Direction",
    "Mark": true
  "Breadcrumbs": {
    "R": 255,
    "G": 179,
    "B": 72,
    "Rainbow": false
  "BufferSpeed": {
    "SpeedLimit": false,
    "MaxSpeed": 3.0,
    "Buffer": true,
    "Stairs": true,
    "StairsBoost": 2.0,
    "StairsMode": "New",
    "Slabs": true,
    "SlabsBoost": 2.0,
    "SlabsMode": "New",
    "Ice": false,
    "IceBoost": 2.0,
    "Snow": false,
    "SnowBoost": 2.0,
    "SnowPort": true,
    "Wall": true,
    "WallBoost": 2.0,
    "WallMode": "New",
    "HeadBlock": false,
    "HeadBlockBoost": 2.0,
    "Slime": true,
    "AirStrafe": true,
    "NoHurt": true
  "BugUp": {
    "Mode": "TeleportBack",
    "FallDistance": 2.0
  "Chams": {
    "Targets": true,
    "Chests": true,
    "Items": true
  "ChestAura": {
    "Range": 5.0,
    "Delay": 50,
    "ThroughWalls": false,
    "VisualSwing": true,
    "Chest": 54
  "ChestStealer": {
    "MaxDelay": 0,
    "MinDelay": 0,
    "TakeRandomized": true,
    "OnlyItems": false,
    "NoCompass": false,
    "AutoClose": true,
    "AutoCloseMaxDelay": 2,
    "AutoCloseMinDelay": 1,
    "CloseOnFull": true,
    "ChestTitle": true
  "CivBreak": {
    "Air-Reset": true,
    "Range-Reset": true,
    "Rotations": true
  "ClickGUI": {
    "Style": "Slowly",
    "Scale": 0.93,
    "MaxElements": 8,
    "R": 0,
    "G": 160,
    "B": 255,
    "Rainbow": false
  "ConsoleSpammer": {
    "Mode": "Payload",
    "Delay": 0
  "Criticals": {
    "Mode": "Jump",
    "Delay": 0
  "Damage": {
    "Mode": "NCP",
    "Damage": 1
  "Derp": {
    "Headless": true,
    "Spinny": true,
    "Increment": 50.0
  "ESP": {
    "Mode": "ShaderGlow",
    "Outline-Width": 3.0,
    "WireFrame-Width": 2.0,
    "ShaderOutline-Radius": 1.35,
    "ShaderGlow-Radius": 2.7,
    "R": 2,
    "G": 100,
    "B": 255,
    "Rainbow": false,
    "Team": false
  "FastBow": {
    "Packets": 20
  "FastBreak": {
    "BreakDamage": 0.8
  "FastClimb": {
    "Mode": "Normal",
    "NormalSpeed": 0.28
  "FastPlace": {
    "Speed": 0
  "FastStairs": {
    "Mode": "NCP",
    "LongJump": false
  "FastUse": {
    "Mode": "AAC",
    "Delay": 0
  "Fly": {
    "Mode": "AAC3.3.12",
    "VanillaSpeed": 1.39,
    "VanillaKickBypass": false,
    "MineplexSpeed": 1.0,
    "NCPMotion": 0.0,
    "AACSpeed": 0.3,
    "AAC3.3.12-Motion": 10.0,
    "AAC3.3.13-Motion": 10.0,
    "NeruxVace-Ticks": 6,
    "HypixelLatest-Boost": false,
    "HypixelLatest-BoostDelay": 1200,
    "HypixelLatest-BoostTimer": 1.0,
    "Mark": true
  "FreeCam": {
    "Speed": 0.8,
    "Fly": true,
    "NoClip": true
  "Fucker": {
    "ID": 26,
    "Instant": false,
    "ThroughWalls": "None",
    "Swing": true,
    "Rotations": true,
    "Surroundings": true,
    "Action": "Destroy",
    "NoHit": false
  "Fullbright": {
    "Mode": "Gamma"
  "GhostHand": {
    "ID": 54
  "HUD": {
    "BlackHotbar": true,
    "InventoryParticle": false,
    "Blur": false,
    "FontChat": false
  "HighJump": {
    "Height": 5.0,
    "Mode": "Vanilla",
    "OnlyGlassPane": false
  "HitBox": {
    "Size": 0.4
  "IceSpeed": {
    "Mode": "AAC"
  "Ignite": {
    "Lighter": true,
    "Lava": true
  "InventoryCleaner": {
    "MaxDelay": 100,
    "MinDelay": 50,
    "InvOpen": true,
    "SimulateInventory": true,
    "NoMove": false,
    "Hotbar": true,
    "RandomSlot": true,
    "Sort": true,
    "ItemDelay": 5,
    "SortSlot-1": "Sword",
    "SortSlot-2": "Bow",
    "SortSlot-3": "Pickaxe",
    "SortSlot-4": "Axe",
    "SortSlot-5": "None",
    "SortSlot-6": "None",
    "SortSlot-7": "Food",
    "SortSlot-8": "Block",
    "SortSlot-9": "Block"
  "InventoryMove": {
    "AACAdditionPro": true,
    "NoMoveClicks": false
  "ItemESP": {
    "Mode": "Box",
    "R": 0,
    "G": 255,
    "B": 0,
    "Rainbow": true
  "ItemTeleport": {
    "Mode": "Old",
    "ResetAfterTP": true,
    "Button": "Left"
  "Kick": {
    "Mode": "Quit"
  "KillAura": {
    "MaxCPS": 15,
    "MinCPS": 9,
    "HurtTime": 7,
    "Range": 3.82,
    "ThroughWallsRange": 0.0,
    "RangeSprintReducement": 0.0,
    "Priority": "Direction",
    "TargetMode": "Switch",
    "MultiMode": "Vanilla",
    "Swing": true,
    "KeepSprint": true,
    "AutoBlock": false,
    "InteractAutoBlock": false,
    "BlockRate": 40,
    "AAC": true,
    "RayCast": true,
    "RayCastIgnored": true,
    "LivingRayCast": true,
    "Predict": true,
    "MaxPredictSize": 1.12,
    "MinPredictSize": 0.5,
    "NoInvAttack": false,
    "NoInvDelay": 0,
    "FailRate": 3.0,
    "LimitedMultiTargets": 0,
    "MaxTurnSpeed": 30.0,
    "MinTurnSpeed": 20.0,
    "FakeSwing": true,
    "SilentRotation": true,
    "RandomCenter": true,
    "Outborder": true,
    "FOV": 180.0,
    "Mark": true,
    "FakeSharp": true
  "LiquidChat": {
    "JWT": false
  "LiquidWalk": {
    "Mode": "Swim"
  "LongJump": {
    "Mode": "AACv3",
    "NCPBoost": 3.0,
    "AutoJump": false
  "NameProtect": {
    "FakeName": "\u0026cMe",
    "AllPlayers": false,
    "SkinProtect": true
  "NameTags": {
    "Health": true,
    "Ping": true,
    "Distance": false,
    "Armor": true,
    "ClearNames": false,
    "Font": {
      "fontName": "Minecraft Font",
      "fontSize": -1
    "Scale": 1.0
  "NoFOV": {
    "FOV": 1.0
  "NoFall": {
    "Mode": "AAC3.3.15"
  "NoRotateSet": {
    "Confirm": true,
    "ConfirmIllegalRotation": true,
    "NoZero": true
  "NoSlow": {
    "Sword": "AAC",
    "Consume": "AAC",
    "Bow": "AAC",
    "Soulsand": false,
    "CustomReducement": 0.6
  "NoSwing": {
    "ServerSide": true
  "NoWeb": {
    "Mode": "AAC"
  "Nuker": {
    "Radius": 5.2,
    "ThroughWalls": false
  "Phase": {
    "Mode": "AAC3.5.0"
  "PingSpoof": {
    "MaxDelay": 750,
    "MinDelay": 500
  "Projectiles": {
    "DynamicBowPower": true
  "ProphuntESP": {
    "R": 0,
    "G": 90,
    "B": 255,
    "Rainbow": false
  "RazerKeyboard": {
    "Keys": true,
    "Health": false,
    "UpdateDelay": 50
  "Reach": {
    "CombatReach": 3.5,
    "BuildReach": 5.0
  "Regen": {
    "Mode": "Vanilla",
    "Health": 18,
    "Food": 18,
    "Speed": 100,
    "NoAir": false
  "ReverseStep": {
    "Motion": 1.0
  "SafeWalk": {
    "AirSafe": true
  "Scaffold": {
    "Mode": "Expand",
    "MaxDelay": 0,
    "MinDelay": 0,
    "AutoBlock": true,
    "StayAutoBlock": true,
    "Sprint": true,
    "Swing": false,
    "Search": true,
    "Eagle": false,
    "PlaceableDelay": false,
    "BlocksToEagle": 0,
    "ExpandLength": 1,
    "Rotations": true,
    "KeepRotation": false,
    "Zitter": false,
    "ZitterMode": "Teleport",
    "ZitterSpeed": 0.225,
    "ZitterStrength": 0.001,
    "Timer": 1.0,
    "SpeedModifier": 1.5,
    "SameY": false,
    "AirSafe": false,
    "Counter": true,
    "Mark": false
  "ServerCrasher": {
    "Mode": "AACNew"
  "SkinDerp": {
    "Delay": 0,
    "Hat": true,
    "Jacket": true,
    "LeftPants": true,
    "RightPants": true,
    "LeftSleeve": true,
    "RightSleeve": true
  "SlimeJump": {
    "Motion": 1.0,
    "Mode": "Add"
  "Sneak": {
    "Mode": "Switch",
    "StopMove": false
  "Spammer": {
    "MaxDelay": 1000,
    "MinDelay": 500,
    "Message": "LiquidBounce Client | liquidbounce(.net) | CCBlueX on yt",
    "Custom": false
  "Speed": {
    "Mode": "AACHop3.5.0",
    "CustomSpeed": 1.6,
    "CustomY": 0.0,
    "CustomTimer": 1.0,
    "CustomStrafe": true,
    "CustomResetXZ": false,
    "CustomResetY": false,
    "AAC-PortLength": 1.0,
    "AACGround-Timer": 3.0,
    "CubeCraft-PortLength": 1.0,
    "MineplexGround-Speed": 0.5
  "Sprint": {
    "AllDirections": false,
    "Blindness": true,
    "Food": true,
    "CheckServerSide": true
  "Step": {
    "Mode": "AAC3.3.4",
    "Height": 1.0,
    "Delay": 0
  "StorageESP": {
    "Mode": "Outline",
    "Chest": true,
    "EnderChest": true,
    "Furnace": true,
    "Dispenser": true,
    "Hopper": true
  "TNTBlock": {
    "Fuse": 26,
    "AutoSword": true
  "Teams": {
    "ScoreboardTeam": true,
    "Color": true
  "Teleport": {
    "Mode": "AAC3.5.0",
    "Button": "Right"
  "Timer": {
    "Speed": 10.0
  "Tower": {
    "Mode": "Jump",
    "AutoBlock": true,
    "StayAutoBlock": true,
    "Swing": true,
    "StopWhenBlockAbove": true,
    "Rotations": true,
    "KeepRotation": true,
    "OnJump": false,
    "Timer": 1.0,
    "JumpMotion": 0.41,
    "JumpDelay": 0,
    "ConstantMotion": 0.42,
    "ConstantMotionJumpGround": 0.79,
    "TeleportHeight": 1.0,
    "TeleportDelay": 3,
    "TeleportGround": true,
    "TeleportNoMotion": false,
    "Counter": true
  "Trigger": {
    "MaxCPS": 12,
    "MinCPS": 8
  "TrueSight": {
    "Barriers": true,
    "Entities": true
  "VClip": {
    "Mode": "Teleport",
    "Y": 5.0
  "Velocity": {
    "Horizontal": 0.4,
    "Vertical": 0.4,
    "Mode": "AACPush",
    "ReverseStrength": 1.0,
    "Reverse2Strength": 0.05,
    "AACPushXZReducer": 2.0,
    "AACPushYReducer": false
  "WallClimb": {
    "Mode": "Clip",
    "ClipMode": "Fast",
    "CheckerClimbMotion": 0.0
  "WaterFly": {
    "Motion": 0.5
  "WaterSpeed": {
    "Speed": 1.5
  "Zoot": {
    "BadEffects": true,
    "Fire": true,
    "NoAir": false