CCCNJ-CS216 / Five-Points

A Traffic Simulation
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Make the wiki prettier #2

Closed natepisarski closed 9 years ago

natepisarski commented 9 years ago

To help out with outlining objects, the wiki should be consitent with itself.

What we have: image

What we want: screenshot from 2015-09-08 22 07 10

(p.s: class Car people, please implement isBurger method. Thanks)

Anyway, Mr. Weissman wrote this spec out for us to follow:

# Class Name
**owner:** [in a few cases a whole team for now]
### Responsibilities 
List specifically what this class will do
### Collaborators
List the objects that this class must communicate with
### Principal Attributes 

### Required Methods 
* .toString()

which looks like

Class Name

owner: [in a few cases a whole team for now]


List specifically what this class will do


List the objects that this class must communicate with

Principal Attributes

Required Methods

it's not too much work since you can really just copy and paste from the wiki into the javadoc. Until we can code this is the only real TODO left.

natepisarski commented 9 years ago

Good job on the wiki guys