CCExtractor / beacon

Flutter application to share location with a group. (under development)
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Multi hero tag #226

Closed vkprogrammer-001 closed 5 months ago

vkprogrammer-001 commented 5 months ago

Fixes #193

Description: The issue of multiple heroes sharing the same tag within a subtree has been resolved. Previously, there was only one tag in the Floating Action Button (FAB), which caused conflicts when using it in two different instances. To rectify this, an additional tag has been added to the FAB, ensuring proper rendering and preventing hero tag clashes.

RunTerror commented 5 months ago

@vkprogrammer-001, could you kindly share the error log? This would greatly assist in understanding the issue.

BrawlerXull commented 5 months ago

hey @RunTerror @vkprogrammer-001 could you please help me? I am having issue in setting up the code locally

vkprogrammer-001 commented 5 months ago

@RunTerror ok so this is the error log Screenshot 2024-02-18 at 11 27 02 PM
Screenshot 2024-02-18 at 11 26 54 PM
Screenshot 2024-02-18 at 11 26 36 PM
Screenshot 2024-02-18 at 11 26 25 PM

Screenshot 2024-02-18 at 11 26 10 PM
vkprogrammer-001 commented 5 months ago


Setting Up the Beacon Locally

You need to set up both the frontend and backend parts of the beacon.

Frontend Setup:

  1. Install Flutter by following the provided instructions. If you encounter any issues, consider using fvm (Flutter Version Management).
  2. To activate fvm, use the command:
    dart pub global activate fvm
  3. To install a specific version of Flutter, use the following commands:
    fvm install stable
    fvm install <version>
  4. Follow the given instructions to complete the setup.
  5. Set up your .env file with the following variables:

Backend Setup:

  1. Install Redis. You can use brew for this. Remember to run the Redis server before running the backend part of the beacon.
  2. Check if your backend is set up properly.
  3. Run your GraphQL playground:
    • Use npm start to run the backend server. Check the logs to ensure it started properly.
    • Open the GraphQL playground at http://localhost:4000/graphql in any web browser and use queries to perform CRUD operations.
  4. You can use the following query in the GraphQL playground to perform a signup operation:
    mutation {
    register(user: {name: “John Cenaa”, credentials: {email: “”, password: “Pass@123”}}) {

    If you get the correct response, then your server is ready to connect with the frontend.

Follow the given instructions to complete the setup. Enjoy working with Beacon!

vkprogrammer-001 commented 5 months ago

@BrawlerXull if need any help feel free to contact me. and can post your query on the community on Slack channel

RunTerror commented 5 months ago

@vkprogrammer-001 your solution seems correct for this problem, work on the CI test.

vkprogrammer-001 commented 5 months ago

@RunTerror Could you guide me on how to execute Flutter CI tests locally? I'd like to verify if all the tests are functioning as expected.