CCI-MOC / alliance-comms

A place to track issues with the MOC Alliance website
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on community page make the default sort bubble the core dev team to the top. #29

Closed msdisme closed 11 months ago

msdisme commented 1 year ago

Which would include Nancy, Tara, Dev team.

Dev team wants to feel some love.

okrieg commented 1 year ago

What do you mean by an MOC Alliance Team? Isn't everyone in the MOC Alliance team?

msdisme commented 1 year ago

A proposal for how to simplify this, keep the larger group, and make the default sort bubble the core dev team to the top.

Context: Some of the dev team are feeling a bit "less important" than on the old page, which is fair because potentially the way the page works the developers may be below a bunch of interns.

okrieg commented 1 year ago

I like that, but what is the definition of developers? Does this include only the people we fund? Lars? Ming? Does this also include the core operations staff from OCT and NERC? I wouldn't mind something that highlighted the core full time team, but I think that should include NERC operations and folks working full time with us from red hat. Does that make sense?

knikolla commented 1 year ago

I am happy highlighting whoever else we want to highlight and debating the definition of the core team, but I strongly don't like being in the Community page far down the bottom, after PhD, alumni and interns.

One thing to keep in mind is that NERC Operations has the NERC Website where they are featured prominently. Same goes for all other initiatives. The core MOC team doesn't.