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Investigate use of Ironic Horizon plugin #545

Closed tzumainn closed 1 month ago

tzumainn commented 1 month ago

Horizon documentation can be found at

In theoooory I think you should be able to install Horizon locally, and point it at the MOC ESI endpoint.

The documentation for the Ironic plugin is:

joachimweyl commented 1 month ago

@tzumainn when do you foresee this work being done and what do you estimate the effort would be?

tzumainn commented 1 month ago

Ah, this is targeted towards the forthcoming intern; I'll work with him on establishing an estimate.

ajamias commented 1 month ago

We got a Horizon development environment set up and managed to get the Ironic_ui plugin installed and working too. However, we won't be using the plugin because some of the features that we want to give to esi lessee users aren't in there. Instead, we will be creating out own plugin from scratch with some inspiration from the Ironic-UI plugin.

Horizon Install Instructions

This is a Centos 9 Stream guide


Read more here:


Read more here:


Enabling SSL

Deploying on ESI Node

This assumes that you have already gone through setting up a node.

Ironic-UI Install Instructions

Follow instructions here In order to run Horizon with the Ironic-UI plugin, simply rerun the server just as you have been doing with the tox command above.

NOTE: This basic installation of Ironic-UI will only be shown to admin users. Extra steps will be needed for other users to see the panel.

tzumainn commented 1 month ago

Nicely thorough - thanks for doing this!