CCI-MOC / xdmod-cntr

A project to prototype the use of XDMOD with OpenStack and OpenShift on the MOC
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Work-A-Round for Running xdmod's acl-config #145

Closed rob-baron closed 1 year ago

rob-baron commented 1 year ago

It seems that everytime the shredder run, the xdmod-ui interface gets stuck in the loading process. This is either due to acl-config not running to completion on the shdredder pod, or acl-config modifying the config directory and scince the config directory is not shared RWX it doesn't updated on the xdmod-ui pod.

This will require more investigation as to what is occurng. Meanwhile, this will run acl-config in the xdmod-ui pod every 7 minutes. I'm trying to strike a balance between running acl-config too often (consumning too much database time) and keeping the UI from being stuck loading.
