CCI-MOC / xdmod-cntr

A project to prototype the use of XDMOD with OpenStack and OpenShift on the MOC
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xdmod ticket #29493 In the process of using XDMod with OpenStack #204

Open rob-baron opened 1 year ago

rob-baron commented 1 year ago

29493 In the process of using XDMod with OpenStack

Robert Bartlett Baron, reported over 1 year ago Cc:, Since it has been 20 days since I submitted a ticket along these lines using your ticketing site, I decided to start posting here.

I made the observation that the current xdmod-openstack scrips use a older version of keystone, panko and ceilometer which are no longer supported in current releases of OpenStack.

I have refactored/rewritten them to pull the data from OpenStack with what is currently avaiable primarily using nova and cinder. Before I go much further, I am curious if there is current work to support OpenStack and adding support for kubernetes?

This ticket has been Closed | over 1 year ago Reply