CCI-MOC / xdmod-cntr

A project to prototype the use of XDMOD with OpenStack and OpenShift on the MOC
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xdmod ticket #29903 Could I get the reference the schema of openstack json structures #210

Open rob-baron opened 1 year ago

rob-baron commented 1 year ago

Robert Bartlett Baron, reported over 1 year ago In our meeting a couple of weeks ago, a schema for openstack specific json structures was mentioned. It would be easier than the process I am working though with the reference file if there is a schema that describes all of the structures and where the data comes from. Gregary Dean , said over 1 year ago Ticket:

Hi Robert,

The path to the JSON schema file for the OpenStack logs is '/etc/xdmod/etl/etl_schema.d/cloud_openstack/event.schema.json'. One thing to note is that this file list all the properties that an event could have. It is not a list of properties that each event must have. For example, one property in the schema is the volume_id. This property will exist for events related to storage volumes, such as when a volume is created or deleted, but not events related to VM instances, such as when a VM is created or deleted.

This file also does not list where the data comes from. I do remember seeing some OpenStack documentation that talked about the data in specific events but I can seem to find it again. I'm going to see if I can find it and send it along. It might give you more information about how each event generates its data.

-greg Gregary Dean , said over 1 year ago Ticket:

Hi Robert,

I was able to find the OpenStack docs for the event information. I think it's probably a bit out of date but there is still some relevant information about where the data from the OpenStack events come from. Here's the link, This lists data for both compute and storage events so hopefully it helps.

-greg Robert Bartlett Baron , said over 1 year ago Gregary,

Thank you for the information. We can close this ticket. This ticket has been Closed | over 1 year ago Reply