CCNYRoboticsLab / scan_tools

ROS Laser scan tools
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Using laser_scan_matcher to accomplish Extrinsic Calibration for 2 2D Laser Scans #65

Open artemiialessandrini opened 4 years ago

artemiialessandrini commented 4 years ago

Greetings! Since extrinsic calibration is so painstaking to handle, but also happen needed to be re executed, if robot might hit the wall, get transported , etc. so, I'm thinking of possible workaround to implement ICP based Extrinsic Calibration tool, which solves this tf:

front_lidar ----> base_frame <---- rear_lidar

For laser_scan_matcher, this task looks doable, the only thing is to calculate a transform to base_frame. Is it possible to implement?

I hope to get some clue, suggestions also would be appreciated.

artemiialessandrini commented 4 years ago

First thing coming on mind is to run _lidar_scanmatcher with different /ns for both lidars, use TransformListener to lookup for transform. But it doesn't take into account base_link - lidars, also there's no error computation.