CCOSTAN / Home-AssistantConfig

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Holiday theme Cuckoo Clock Chimes #984

Open CCOSTAN opened 3 years ago

CCOSTAN commented 3 years ago

Something to think about.


thejeffreystone commented 3 years ago

I like this idea for the hunted house automation I did. Instead of having it happen that happened at a specific time spread the fun out over the whole day.

Also, birthdays. Might be able to do some specific things for the birthday person, like my kid who is all in on dinosaurs could have dinosaur sounds for the chime all day.

Not to mention just changing it to something like Windsor chimes on occasion. Bells for Christmas,

Going to have to think through how to do this so you can have multiple chime options and one automation instead of separate automations. Although that would be the easiest.

CCOSTAN commented 3 years ago

Yeah.. also just tracking down the actual sounds.. If you find them, I'll post/host them on the repo with the other ones.

Birthday Idea is GREAT!