We have many articles published without their bibliographical references. We have tools to semi-automatically process the references but the cost to manage the references of thousands of published articles is too important.
Semantic Scholar (S2) has an API to provide the bibliographical references of the articles they process in the Semantic Scholar Academic Graph. All of our articles should be available in this graph thanks to our open access licences and the fact that they also index content from Open repositories.
The goal:
retrieve the bibliographical references from the S2 API
import them into episciences-citations
display the ref. on the public web page of our articles
export the ref. to Crossref
[x] Create new source in DB: "Semantic Scholar"
[x] Create a script to import the references with the API, retrieve only the ids and the bibtex fields ( :warning: "unauthenticated IP limited to 1 request per second")
[x] For each reference of a paper, if there's a DOI, use doi.org API to obtain the CSL of the reference
[x] For each reference of a paper, if there's not a DOI, use the bibtex to create the CSL of the reference
[x] In DB + UI/UX label all imports from S2 with source "Semantic Scholar". Prevent user updates of the imports but allow deletion + (in)validation
[x] We need to credit "Semantic Scholar" also on the public web page of our articles
[x] Try the API with a few samples of articles published at least one year ago
We have many articles published without their bibliographical references. We have tools to semi-automatically process the references but the cost to manage the references of thousands of published articles is too important.
Semantic Scholar (S2) has an API to provide the bibliographical references of the articles they process in the Semantic Scholar Academic Graph. All of our articles should be available in this graph thanks to our open access licences and the fact that they also index content from Open repositories.
The goal: