CCSDSPy / ccsdspy

I/O interface and utilities for CCSDS binary spacecraft data in Python. Library used in flight missions at NASA, NOAA, and SWRI
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Collaboration question #63

Closed tloubrieu-jpl closed 11 months ago

tloubrieu-jpl commented 1 year ago

Hi Daniel,

I am using a ticket as an open letter to you.

I work at JPL, currently contributing to the Europa-Clipper Science Data System.

We inherited a CCSDS parsing python library from a student in the team and since we were very happy with it, and making extensions on it (such as reading packets with variable length), we were willing to open-source it.

But I realized you already have a successful development which does what we need minus maybe a few features, so we changed our strategy to:

We would like to hire a student to do this work this summer (June-August). Would you support this initiative ?

We don't have the details yet on the open-sourcing procedure on our side, but that might involve to move your repository from a personal organization to something more official (e.g. Maybe you already have an opinion on that ?


ddasilva commented 1 year ago

Hi @tloubrieu-jpl,

First of all, thank you for your interest in the library. I'm happy to answer questions and support your migration to the library. I've done this for a few NASA missions in the past and am currently doing it for the Canadian Space Agency, so don't think too much of it.

I'd be happy to discuss adding additional features. In the past, I've found it's quicker for people to contribute requirements and then together implement them openly through github, rather than try to transfer code between organizations. Most of the time, the feature isn't there because we didn't prioritize it or weren't aware of its importance.... not because it requires outside knowledge or intellectual property to implement. It is a rather big production when code is transferred between organizations, because of legal concerns (from both sides), administrators need to get involved, and so on. I'd like to avoid red tape as much as possible! On the spectrum between "developing openly from scratch on github" and "transferring code from JPL" is you sharing code/tests to use as a reference for an implementation developed openly, and doing the necessary paperwork on your side to allow you to share it.

To determine what's most appropriate, could you give me an idea of what the missing features are? That will help me understand the situation better.

Regards moving the repo outside my personal account and into a community org: yes, this is on my radar! I just haven't gotten to it yet. I can certainly get this done in the future. My end goal is to make this a community run project with representation from major organizations (eg JPL, GSFC, JHU/APL, ESA, private space, and so on), but I haven't set up the necessary community governance policies or formed a team. I'm have my fingers crossed that one of our developers, @ehsteve (who organized the successful SunPy project years ago) will advise on that process in the future.

Best, Daniel

tloubrieu-jpl commented 1 year ago

Thanks Daniel, that sounds perfect to me.

Regarding the missing features in CCSDSpy for Europa clipper there might not be any. We did not even start to analyse how we would migrate our code to ccsdspy so I don't really know what we will need yet.

I can try to quickly have a look at that.

However, since the migration to ccsdspy is not a short term priority but more a long term will to consolidate an open source resource for the community rather developing a 'short' lived and painfully maintained internal library used for a single mission, we will wait to have a student to do most of this work, this summer.

ehsteve commented 1 year ago

@ddasilva I see you created an org which is great. I'd be happy to volunteer to be a maintainer if you need some help.

ddasilva commented 1 year ago

@ddasilva I see you created an org which is great. I'd be happy to volunteer to be a maintainer if you need some help.

I invited you when I made the org but it looks like the invite expired! I invited you again

ddasilva commented 1 year ago

@tloubrieu-jpl Any update on this collaboration?

tloubrieu-jpl commented 1 year ago

Hi @ddasilva ,

We have selected a student to work on that subject this summer. I did not analyse the pull request that we would need for CCSDSpy to comply with our requirements.


ddasilva commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the update @tloubrieu-jpl . When you're ready, let me know if you want to jump on a call and talk further steps.

Best, Daniel

ehsteve commented 1 year ago

@ddasilva could i have permission to assign labels to issues?

ddasilva commented 1 year ago

@ehsteve Can we move this to email or new issue so we don't unnecessarily ping @tloubrieu-jpl ?

Do you know what permission you need? You should have the highest privileges

ehsteve commented 1 year ago

@tloubrieu-jpl, i don't know how things work at JPL but the SMD Policy document (SPD-41a) does lay out guidance about open source contributions from NASA which, I assume, JPL has to be consistent with.

Here are some direct quotes from that document.

tloubrieu-jpl commented 1 year ago

Hi @ddasilva, @ehsteve,

Thanks @ehsteve for pointing to this policy document which supports our initiative here.

We started to work with your package and currently we are testing the CCSDSpy library with one of our Europa-Clipper test datasets. We also attempted to plug CCSDSpy into our own code but we were stopped because of divergence between the packet field data_types supported by CCSDSpy and those supported by our native code which parses CCSDS packets.

Could we meet to discuss our work plan with you ? Would you be available from 2 to 3pm PDT this Friday (06/23) ? We are having a list of features that we want to be supported, and I would like to have your opinions on them to be available or implemented in CCSDSpy library.

ddasilva commented 1 year ago

Hey @tloubrieu-jpl ,

Good to hear from you. I'm happy to meet this Friday at that time. Feel free to send a meeting invite to