CCSI-Toolset / FOQUS

FOQUS: Framework for Optimization and Quantification of Uncertainty and Surrogates
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Clean up of psuade files #146

Closed fsoepyan closed 5 years ago

fsoepyan commented 6 years ago

When I run OUU, the iterations are no longer recorded in the Flowsheet table.

eslickj commented 6 years ago

I think this must be related to the client program that send the simulations back to FOQUS over a socket connection. It should be like the one that we use for ALAMO adaptive sampling, which I fixed. Can you confirm that the samples all run correctly and the only problem is that they are not recorded in the flowsheet run data.

fsoepyan commented 6 years ago
ou3llnl commented 6 years ago

I think this has to do with OUU not able to advance due to issue #101. When I can fully debug what is going on and fix it, this should no longer be an issue. Some progress has been made, but it is still ongoing.

ou3llnl commented 6 years ago

@fsoepyan : Try this with psuade 1.7.12 and let me know. I think it should work now.

fsoepyan commented 6 years ago
ou3llnl commented 6 years ago

Ok. That's an error I was not anticipating. At least you are getting plot points now, which I assume you were not getting before. This may be a PSUADE issue. It's funny though that you were able to get through 360 iterations before this occurred.

fsoepyan commented 6 years ago

Actually, I managed to get the plot points (in the bottom right corner) with the previous version of psuade.

ou3llnl commented 6 years ago

@fsoepyan : What is the method the flowsheet is using to calculate the errors? Is this a standard turbine node? Or is this an attempt to use the surrogate capability that Josh Morgan and John Eslick have been adding to flowsheet?

If you were to run a standard turbine/turbine lite problem, does it work?

fsoepyan commented 6 years ago

Answering your first question:

fsoepyan commented 6 years ago

Answering your 2nd question:

ksbeattie commented 6 years ago

@ou3llnl says that this is waiting on a new version of psuade?

ou3llnl commented 6 years ago

@fsoepyan : We found the error from is actually a problem with Python setup in Windows, which causes calls to Python scripts from console to omit command line arguments. Follow the steps in the following links to fix your environment.

fsoepyan commented 6 years ago
sotorrio1 commented 6 years ago

@fsoepyan , you actually need to add that to your registry keys. In Windows go to Start button and search for "regedit". Open the regedit.exe and follow the instructions in the first link Jeremy sent ( I used to have the same issue and now it's fixed. Let me know if you need help with this

fsoepyan commented 6 years ago
sotorrio1 commented 6 years ago

Did you change both registry keys? HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\python26.exe\shell\open\command HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\py_auto_file\shell\open\command

The results are not recorded but, do you get the error message anymore?

fsoepyan commented 6 years ago
sotorrio1 commented 6 years ago

odd... @fsoepyan what happens when you run the simple example from the link in the command line? Does it work?

fsoepyan commented 6 years ago

I ran the example problem from the link, and it works:

sotorrio1 commented 6 years ago

@fsoepyan so you still get this error? screen shot 2018-07-30 at 11 16 09 am

fsoepyan commented 6 years ago


sotorrio1 commented 6 years ago

ah ok, what error do you get then?

fsoepyan commented 6 years ago
sotorrio1 commented 6 years ago

got it. So the only issue now is that the runs are not recorded?

fsoepyan commented 6 years ago


ou3llnl commented 6 years ago

@fsoepyan: I just tried it and I get runs recorded in the Flowsheet run table. I loaded Rosenbrock_no_vectors, went to OUU, set Rosenbrock.x1 to Z1, and then "Run OUU". When done, I went to flowsheet and hit the "Results and Filtering" table and runs show up. Do you get any kind of errors or warnings in the console?

eslickj commented 6 years ago

There is a chance this is the same as issue #251. @fsoepyan can you try again now that that has been fixed? That's only if the samples disappear after saving and loading. If this is still a problem can send log messages from session where the problem occurs.

fsoepyan commented 6 years ago

2018-08-09 15:25:57,506 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.graph.graph - Running flowsheet(s) locally 2018-08-09 15:25:57,553 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.turbineConfiguration - Starting simulation consumer... 2018-08-09 15:25:57,553 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.graph.node - Generated Job JSON: [ { "ConsumerId": "{CA99B34B-A19A-4213-B437-BD4F6FB7078D}", "Initialize": false, "Input": { "B2.alpha": 5.0, "B2.beta": 5.0, "B2.d1": 1.0, "B2.d2": 1.0, "B2.d3": 1.0, "B2.d4": 1.0, "": 5.0, "B2.omega1": 1.0, "B2.omega2": 1.0, "B2.omega3": 1.0, "B2.omega4": 1.0, "MinStepSize": 0.001, "RunMode": "Steady Optimization", "Script": "", "Snapshot": "", "TimeSeries": [ 0.0 ], "TimeUnits": "Hours", "homotopy": 0, "printlevel": 0 }, "Reset": false, "Simulation": "ouu_toy2", "Visible": false } ] 2018-08-09 15:25:57,773 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.graph.node - Started Job: 1845 Turbin SID: 1bd40982-2e91-4925-b99c-fa86269a0216 2018-08-09 15:26:02,046 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.turbineConfiguration - Job 1845 Started Running 2018-08-09 15:26:02,046 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.graph.node - Job finished successfully: 1845 2018-08-09 15:26:02,046 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.graph.node - Job 1845 Finished Successfully 2018-08-09 15:26:02,046 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.graph.node - Outputs: status = 0 B2.z = 2.85705080757 B2.x4 = 4.875 B2.x3 = -3.25 B2.x2 = -2.5 B2.x1 = -1.0

ksbeattie commented 6 years ago

@eslickj will follow up with @fsoepyan on this.

fsoepyan commented 6 years ago
ksbeattie commented 6 years ago

@sotorrio1 is blocked from being able to reproduce this possibly because of #147 @fsoepyan is now mostly concerned about the difference described above @ou3llnl will follow up with Charles Tong on if this is an issue in psuade.

ou3llnl commented 6 years ago

Per Charles, the only reason he can think of for why # of iterations is greater than number of data points is that PSUADE can detect duplicate runs and not repeat calculations that have already been performed. However, we need to find out if that really is the case here.

ksbeattie commented 5 years ago

@sotorrio1 can you now reproduce this? And maybe look into if psuade skipping dup calculations explains the discrepancy that @fsoepyan mentions?

sotorrio1 commented 5 years ago

I tested OUU with one of Byron's problems "MEA_Column_02_15_2018.foqus":

OUU finishes successfully with 1,975 iterations and when I go to the flowsheet and check the runs, there are 1,975 runs recorded in the flowsheet.

What I've noticed is that if I clear all the data in flowsheet and run the same problem again, OUU runs successfully but the runs are not longer recorded in the flowsheet. I've also noticed that the files generated by PSUADE of the format '' (being xxx the iteration) are not getting deleted in the working directory. If the user doesn't clear the working directory psuade uses those files (you can see the WARNINGS in the psuadelog) and the runs don't get recorded in the flowsheet. I can check with Charles next week (he's on vacation this week), because those psuade generated files are supposed to get deleted when psuade generates the file for the next iteration.

fsoepyan commented 5 years ago
ksbeattie commented 5 years ago

@sotorrio1 believes this might be an issue with psuade not cleaning up old files. It seems to work from the command line, but not within FOQUS. @sotorrio1 will follow up on this.

In the meantime, some clean-up of the working dir should be done by FOQUS before launching psuade.

ksbeattie commented 5 years ago

@sotorrio1 is continuing to work on this with Charles Tong

ksbeattie commented 5 years ago

@sotorrio1 will continue to look into this.

sotorrio1 commented 5 years ago

PR #339 should take care of cleaning up the psuade files in the working directory

ksbeattie commented 5 years ago

@fsoepyan will test this now that PR #339 has been merged.

fsoepyan commented 5 years ago

I have tested OUU in FOQUS, and the old "psuadeEval.out" files are automatically deleted at the beginning of each OUU run.

The PR works. Thank you!