CChen616 / QIDI_Max3_Bookworm

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Fluid Software / Dirty Repos, Updates after upgrade #6

Open pmbroth opened 3 weeks ago

pmbroth commented 3 weeks ago

@CChen616 After booting with new image this is what I see in fluid, should I run the updatess? Or what maintenamnce to clean repos? All works perfectly!!!


CChen616 commented 3 weeks ago

Other than Klipper and Moonraker, everything else should be able to be upgraded normally.

Klipper and Moonraker are modified versions, and relevant information can be found in the root folder.

Not sure why the timelapse shows as corrupted, but it should be able to work normally.

pmbroth commented 3 weeks ago

Everything works fine. I’ll reinstall Timelapse tomorrow Thank you again

pmbroth commented 3 weeks ago

I installed timelapse, it works, erven though there is the error as shown below. Everything works, even the fans (in Orcaslicer), Should I run recover for timelapse, or since it is working leave it?


pmbroth commented 3 weeks ago

waiting to hear back if I should run recover for Timelapse?

CChen616 commented 2 weeks ago

It seems that the issue is due to system permissions.

Try logging in as the mks user and run:

sudo chown mks:mks -R /home/mks/moonraker-timelapse/
curl -X POST
pmbroth commented 2 weeks ago

After I ran the command this is what came out, and repo is still flagged corrupt, see 2nd pdf Than you again for your help. result after running command.pdf repo after command is run

pmbroth commented 2 weeks ago

result after running command.pdf

pmbroth commented 2 weeks ago

I tried running it again and received this error:


pmbroth commented 2 weeks ago

I rebooted for the 2nd time, and repo is fine now.. Also, you said do not run updates on klipper or moonraker. There are updates for OS packages - should I run these? One observation, layers and gcode preview do not show after sending job to printer, if I exit the slicer and reload and then look at device, everything is displayed. It is like the printer is not refreshing. The same thing occurs, if I have a browser open to the device, I have to refersh the page manually then I see the layers and gcode preview.

CChen616 commented 2 weeks ago

The OS updates in Moonraker likely run apt update to upgrade some upgradable dependencies or software. Generally, these updates do not enhance the printer's user experience.

Before the printing starts, there is a preparation period that includes homing, calibration, and heating. During this time, the printing hasn't truly started yet, so the layer count does not begin.

pmbroth commented 2 weeks ago

I understand about the wait period. I waited till it waa about layer 6. and layer count and gcode viewer never update. But if I then refreshed browser or reloaded slicer they show.

So I can run os updates? or just do apt update?

Thank you again!!

pmbroth commented 2 weeks ago

This is the list of updates: Can I upgrade?


CChen616 commented 2 weeks ago

Generally, this should not cause any issues.

pmbroth commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you - Any ideas about the layer and gcode preview needing a refresh?

CChen616 commented 2 weeks ago

Not sure, maybe open another issue as a record

pmbroth commented 2 weeks ago

fixee repo issue with updates and permission change

pmbroth commented 2 weeks ago

Question - OS should not be upgraded - correct?

CChen616 commented 2 weeks ago

Updating system packages may not improve your user experience, but it can enhance system security. However, there is a very low probability that it could cause compatibility issues.

Feel free to proceed with the update; generally, it should not cause any problems.

pmbroth commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you - I did proceed, and then the printer would not boot, it kept coming up with the message "shut printer off for a while...." I ended up re-imaging the Emmc. With your image, and all is back. I updated apps, but did not do the o/s. There were 63 updates, some of which were Rockwell chip specific firmware and other hardware patches.

CChen616 commented 2 weeks ago

I didn't expect it to be like this. This image is based on the MKS bookworm base image. I'm not sure how they configured the firmware and hardware libraries. It might also be because some programs from the old system were used in the image, causing incompatibility.

I will include this as a warning in the instructions

But I remember running apt update and apt upgrade before releasing the image without causing any errors. It is possible that the OS update on fluidd includes more steps.

I may look into this later.

pmbroth commented 2 weeks ago

Hello, I believe these are the related to blowing it up: armbian-config armbian-firmware armbian-plymouth-theme armbian-zsh base-files linux-dtb-edge-rockchip64 linux-headers-edge-rockchip64 linux-image-edge-rockchip64, but who knows... :-) Thank you again. Regarding thumbnails, there is a bug in orcaslicer.

pmbroth commented 2 weeks ago

This is the list of packages that o/s wants to upgrade

CChen616 commented 1 week ago

Will test these library upgrades to identify any that might cause system errors.

pmbroth commented 1 week ago

Thank you...