CDAT / dv3d

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What should happen when you close a dv3d canvas? #12

Open chaosphere2112 opened 7 years ago

chaosphere2112 commented 7 years ago

I don't know if the following behavior is a bug or a feature, but closing a dv3d canvas works 'strangely'!

If I create a dvd3 canvas and work with it after using x.interact() and then try to close the canvas by clicking on the 'X' at the top right of the canvas (in my xfce window manager), I go back to the python interpreter, but the canvas stays open.

I have mixed feelings about that because:

There is also a possible real bug: when I'm back in the python shell after clicking on the canvas close button, and I click a second time on the dv3d canvas close button, the canvas still stays open, but I can't go back to interactive mode by typing x.interact(): nothing happens, I just stay in the python shell

If I open a second y dv3d canvas, and plot to it, and do a y.interact(), I can interact with y, but I also gain back the control of the x canvas. And I have to click 2 times in both of the canvas windows close button to lose control of the canvases.

And there is also the problem that nothing happens when I call the close() method a the dv3d canvas: I get a closing! debug message that should probably be removed, but the canvas stays open

>>> x.close()
>>> y.close()

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