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Add a ARMA latent model #407

Open seabbs opened 2 months ago

seabbs commented 2 months ago

Extend the AR latent model to be an ARMA model. Potentially this could reuse the AR step function for modularity. if taking this approach it might also make sense to add a MA model (as can then also reuse this step).

Once this in place we could also offer a ARIMA wrapper that includes DiffLatentModel and ARMA subcomponents.

seabbs commented 2 months ago

A potential MA design

The moving average (MA) model struct.

# Constructors
- `MA(coef_prior::Distribution, std_prior::Distribution; q::Int = 1)`: Constructs an MA model with the specified prior distributions for MA coefficients and standard deviation. The order of the MA model can also be specified.

- `MA(; coef_priors::Vector{C} = [truncated(Normal(0.0, 0.05), -1, 1)], std_prior::Distribution = HalfNormal(0.1)) where {C <: Distribution}`: Constructs an MA model with the specified prior distributions for MA coefficients and standard deviation. The order of the MA model is determined by the length of the `coef_priors` vector.

- `MA(coef_prior::Distribution, std_prior::Distribution, q::Int)`: Constructs an MA model with the specified prior distributions for MA coefficients and standard deviation. The order of the MA model is explicitly specified.

# Examples

using Distributions
using EpiAware
ma = MA()
ma_model = generate_latent(ma, 10)
struct MA{C <: Sampleable, S <: Sampleable, Q <: Int} <: AbstractTuringLatentModel
    "Prior distribution for the MA coefficients."
    "Prior distribution for the standard deviation."
    "Order of the MA model."

    function MA(coef_prior::Distribution, std_prior::Distribution; q::Int = 1)
        coef_priors = fill(coef_prior, q)
        return MA(; coef_priors = coef_priors, std_prior = std_prior)

    function MA(; coef_priors::Vector{C} = [truncated(Normal(0.0, 0.05), -1, 1)],
            std_prior::Distribution = HalfNormal(0.1)) where {C <: Distribution}
        q = length(coef_priors)
        coef_prior = _expand_dist(coef_priors)
        return MA(coef_prior, std_prior, q)

    function MA(coef_prior::Distribution, std_prior::Distribution, q::Int)
        @assert q > 0 "q must be greater than 0"
        @assert q == length(coef_prior) "q must be equal to the length of coef_prior"
        new{typeof(coef_prior), typeof(std_prior), typeof(q)}(
            coef_prior, std_prior, q

Generate a latent MA series.

# Arguments

- `latent_model::MA`: The MA model.
- `n::Int`: The length of the MA series.

# Returns
- `ma::Vector{Float64}`: The generated MA series.

# Notes
- `n` must be longer than the order of the moving average process.
@model function EpiAwareBase.generate_latent(latent_model::MA, n)
    q = latent_model.q
    @assert n > q "n must be longer than order of the moving average process"

    σ_MA ~ latent_model.std_prior
    coef_MA ~ latent_model.coef_prior
    ϵ_t ~ filldist(Normal(), n)

    ma = accumulate_scan(MAStep(coef_MA), zeros(q), σ_MA * ϵ_t)

    return ma

The moving average (MA) step function struct
struct MAStep{C <: AbstractVector{<:Real}} <: AbstractAccumulationStep

The moving average (MA) step function for use with `accumulate_scan`.
function (ma::MAStep)(state, ϵ)
    new_val = ϵ + dot(ma.coef_MA, state)
    new_state = vcat(ϵ, state[1:end-1])
    return new_state
seabbs commented 2 months ago

We can express the ARMA model as a MA model on the residuals of an AR process. This suggests ARMA and ARIMA are simple helper functions to aid composition Vs new structs

seabbs commented 2 months ago

This is also true of a renewal model by decomposing the damp priors suggesting another helper here (but not when we want to start composing additional iterative adjustments like susceptible depletion).