CDCgov / cfa-gam-rt

R package for real-time Rt estimation with penalized splines
Apache License 2.0
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Add CI #11

Closed zsusswein closed 2 months ago

zsusswein commented 2 months ago

Adds an initial Github Actions setup. Mainly based on usethis::use_tidy_github_actions() with some changes:

I also added in a placeholder R script and test file to run on the actions. These will be replaced with real functionality in future PRs.

zsusswein commented 2 months ago

I've set all but R CMD check to be required. I figured we might see an occasional weird Windows thing or a NOTE on the build that's not worth immediately addressing. We could require everything or require nothing; I don't feel especially strongly.

seabbs commented 2 months ago

Whilst we are here we might also want to enable a merge queue so that we have to worry less about rebasing code al the time (it gets rebased and then all CI run in the merge queue and then merged if it passes and bounced if it doesn't)

zsusswein commented 2 months ago

I think I would definitely make Rmd checks as required

Ha, ok! Switched it around so it's the R CMD checks that are required.

also see some issues with DESCRIPTION groups that don't exist


Finally you likely want to add some badges for these to your README.

I think this is a nice-to-have, but would like to leave out of scope for this PR. Moved to #12.

I agree we can move on but lets make an issue with some detail and aim to get it resolved asap.

Took a little messing around (sorry for all the notifications!) but it's working now.

we might also want to enable a merge queue

I don't mind manually rebasing right now. Let's revisit if this picks up steam?

codecov[bot] commented 2 months ago

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zsusswein commented 2 months ago

As per CFA policy I think you also want pre-commit to be required

probably your linting check

Linting is in pre-commit so that should be covered.

zsusswein commented 2 months ago

No, I was just rebasing. I can stop if you prefer a squash at the end.