CDCgov / covid19-forecast-hub

A repository run by the US CDC to collect forecast data for the weekly new COVID-19 hospitalizations.
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 9 forks source link

main #103

Closed dshemetov closed 6 days ago

dshemetov commented 6 days ago
dsweber2 commented 6 days ago

whoops, looks like the revised forecast was still present on our branch. I'll have to update this

sbidari commented 6 days ago

This PR should be able to merge automatically if you remove the updates to the conflicting file model-output/CMU-TimeSeries/2024-11-23-CMU-TimeSeries.csv

sbidari commented 6 days ago

There appears to be some errors with the data submission file. The data file should strictly follow the guidelines and format specified here.

Additionally, please consider using the Update branch button displayed below the checks to sync the PR branch with main which will assist in merging PR without manual intervention.