CDCgov / data-exchange-hl7

Enterprise Data Exchange (DEX) is a new cloud-native centralized data ingestion, validation, and observation service scoped for common data types (HL7, FHIR, CDA, XML, CSV) sent to the CDC. It helps public health stakeholders who send data to the CDC while reducing the maintenance efforts, complexity, and duplication of ingestion points to CDC.
Apache License 2.0
10 stars 14 forks source link

Setup CI (Continuous Integration) pipeline #146

Closed rmharrison closed 1 year ago

rmharrison commented 2 years ago

CI pipeline (in parallel)

rmharrison commented 2 years ago

Ryan's preferences...

CI runner Commercial with yaml file

  1. Concourse
  2. Circle
  3. Travis
  4. GitHub

Open question: Does OCIO have a preferred runner? Will OCIO allow (1), (2) or (3)?

Commercial with GUI config (doesn't use YAML file in repo)

  1. Jenkins

Code scanners

  1. SonarQube
  2. Quality gate (Code smells vs industry)
  3. Fortify (Authorizing Official may force us to use)
  4. Checkmarx
  5. SmartBear

See also: AllStar (mentioned on 2022-08-12) TTS Engineering Practices Guild

Dependency checker

  1. Snyk

Linters CI: ??? Devs: InteliJ Kotlin liner

Front-end test suite

  1. Cypress N. Selenium

Publish to Artifact Repository #30

boris-ning-usds commented 2 years ago

Here's a guide from OCIO on Fortify setup: