CDCgov / multisignal-epi-inference

Python package for statistical inference and forecast of epi models using multiple signals
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Instantiate CFA's Epidemia-For-Flu Model Via MSR #135

Open AFg6K7h4fhy2 opened 1 month ago

AFg6K7h4fhy2 commented 1 month ago


Verify that DHM's influenza forecasting repository cfa-forecast-renewal-epidemia, which utilizes epidemia, can be instantiated via MSR.


Utility from the multisignal-epi-inference repository is derived from being able to modularly construct renewal processes. One renewal model that should be able to be specified via MSR tools is the aforementioned cfa-forecast-renewal-epidemia. This port-over process, in expectation, might allow MSR developments to identify structural inadequacies or missing features and or usage capabilities.

Required Features

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seabbs commented 1 month ago

DHM's implementation of Epidemia.

I interpreted this as @dylanhmorris implementation of the tool epidemia but I know the meaning is the use of epidemia for flu forecasting. I imagine everyone is on the same page but perhaps worth a reword for clarity.

Making this point as reimplementing all of epidemia is a much bigger task than the quite simple model that ended up being used for flu.

Validate MSR implemented Epidemia model with NHSN data

It seems like if seeking to duplicate a new implementation should be validated against the old one rather than just against old data (i.e via simulation)

AFg6K7h4fhy2 commented 1 month ago


Thank you for the feedback, Sam. I've edited the issue. Wrt your first point, I think [that the target is a private repository] affected my wording, i.e I tried to cloak cfa-forecast-renewal-epidemia. Wrt the second point, this was simply a lack of detail on my end.

AFg6K7h4fhy2 commented 1 month ago

After some conversation {DHM, DamonB, GeorgeVY, me}, it has been decided, with moderate strength, to contain this port-over-implementation in the tutorials folder "for the time being".