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SEARCH - Searching by Name + Search Bar #2602

Closed emmastephenson closed 1 month ago

emmastephenson commented 2 months ago

User Story

As a case investigator, I want to search by a patient's name, so that I can find all their relevant eCRs in the Library.

Acceptance Criteria

NOT an acceptance criteria: we're just doing strict search at this point, not fuzzy matching. If I search "Jon", I'm not going to see any patients named "John" (note different spelling).


Scenario 1:

Scenario 2:

Design Notes

Link to Figma design in Dev mode No search prototype available

Screenshots below should not be used for working on this ticket - always refer to Figma design for most up-to-date designs:

Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 9.58.04 AM.png