CDCgov / prime-reportstream

ReportStream is a public intermediary tool for delivery of data between different parts of the healthcare ecosystem.
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Low value automation actions import/removal identification #16582

Open devopsmatt opened 3 days ago

devopsmatt commented 3 days ago

There are a lot of calls to externally hosted GH workflows. This ticket is to examine the dependencies and create a list of functional actions and nice-to-have but not necessary for lean operation.

The goal is to reduce complexity and overall execution time of workflows run ad-hoc, on PRs etc.

DoD: listing of external dependencies that can be safely removed vs those that should be imported to our repo.

emvaldes commented 23 hours ago

There are a lot of nested third parties involved in the overall architecture of GitHub Actions in this project. It will be a colossal endeavor to attempt importing all these but at least I am documenting this to have a basic understanding of how wide this issue is.

emvaldes commented 22 hours ago

Nevertheless, we should focus in evaluating the following GitHub Actions and their value to the project and import them if it's decided to do so.

action-connect-ovpn -> connect-ovpn (already imported)
emvaldes commented 22 hours ago

Profile: JosiahSiegel

Objective: Azure Visualizer aka 'AzViz' - PowerShell module to automatically generate Azure resource topology diagrams by just typing a PowerShell cmdlet and passing the name of one or more Azure Resource Group(s). Note: Cloud admins are not anymore doomed to manually document a cloud environment! The pain of inheriting an undocumented cloud landscape to support is gone. It is capable of:

Target: AzViz-action@v1.0.4 : 663e242 Latest: AzViz-action (0ae465075a8f0401db5256f1ea35193ee08ec687)

Invoked: Indirectly (nested)

default: '[\"josiahsiegel\/runleaks\",\"josiahsiegel\/AzViz-action\"]'

Tracking GitHub Issue: Warning: This is a clone to another repository PrateekKumarSingh/AzViz

emvaldes commented 22 hours ago

Profile: JosiahSiegel

Objective: Determine if test string checksum valid or invalid.

  1. Generate a checksum from either a string or shell command (use command substitution: $()).
  2. Validate if checksum is identical to input (even across multiple jobs), using a key to link the validation attempt with the correct generated checksum. a. Validation is possible across jobs since the checksum is uploaded as a workflow artifact

Target: checksum-validate-action@v1.5 : ebdf8c1 Latest: checksum-validate-action (806ce2fa215d520071c6d4faf8d2588a65e23749)

Invoked: Directly

Workflows: ./.github/workflows/release_to_azure.yml:148:

Actions: ./.github/actions/deploy-backend/action.yml:336:

Tracking GitHub Issue: Note: Further development was made and not referenced/used in the project.

emvaldes commented 22 hours ago

Profile: JosiahSiegel

Objective: Prevent committing AWS , AZURE and GCP sensitive credentials to a git repository.

Target: git-secrets@v1.3.0 : ad82d68 Latest: git-secrets -> (bff90684a2289cd3b0536a2cbeb37728e30680fd)

Invoked: Indirectly (nested)

RUN git clone

RUN make -C /git-secrets install

Tracking GitHub Issue: Warning: This is a fork to another repository msalemcode/git-secrets

emvaldes commented 21 hours ago

Profile: JosiahSiegel

Objective: This action is useful for running actions against random repositories. e.g. leak scanner, etc.

Target: randomrepo@v1.1 : 443cdca

Invoked: Indirectly (nested)

uses: JosiahSiegel/randomrepo@v1.1

Tracking GitHub Issue: Warning: Generated fron JosiahSiegel/hello-world-docker-action

emvaldes commented 21 hours ago

Profile: JosiahSiegel

Objective: Easily manage your WSL environment with a handful of generic commands. Applications are separated into modules. Remote repository is cloned into distro if specified (-r).

Target: rapid-wsl@latest : c9c5785 (latest)

Invoked: Indirectly (nested)

repository: josiahsiegel/rapid-wsl

Tracking GitHub Issue:

emvaldes commented 21 hours ago

Profile: JosiahSiegel

Objective: Creates a pull request on a GitHub repository using existing branches and then by executing the actions/checkout determines the active repo.

Target: reliable-pull-request-action@v1.2.0 : ae8d0c8

Invoked: Directly

Workflows: ./.github/workflows/prepare_deployment_branch.yaml:[31,40]:

Tracking GitHub Issue:

emvaldes commented 21 hours ago

Profile: JosiahSiegel

Objective: Creates a branch on a remote GitHub repository and then by executing the actions/checkout determines the active repo.

Target: remote-branch-action@v1.2.0 : ae8d0c8

Invoked: Directly

Workflows: ./github/workflows/prepare_deployment_branch.yaml:31:

Tracking GitHub Issue:

emvaldes commented 21 hours ago

Profile: JosiahSiegel

Objective: Leverages git-secrets to identify potential leaks in GitHub action run logs. Common Azure and Google Cloud patterns are available, thanks to fork msalemcode/git-secrets.

Target: runleaks@v1.3 : 4dd30d1

Invoked: Directly

Workflows: ./github/workflows/scan_action_logs.yml:[16,17,21,25,26]:

Tracking GitHub Issue:

emvaldes commented 21 hours ago

Profile: JosiahSiegel

Objective: A secure and simple BoltJS app for Slack ChatOps. The app includes basic GitHub push functionality to get you started. Helpful links

  1. Bolt getting started guide
  2. Bolt documentation
  3. Slack app home

Target: slack-boltjs-app@v1.1.0 : 6cce33c Latest: slack-boltjs-app (a5f682a3381fc1b5c07dce1a6a99350175e15719)

Invoked: Directly

Workflows: ./.github/workflows/release_chatops_app.yml:[8,13,36]:

Actions: ./.github/actions/build-vars/action.yml:164:

Tracking GitHub Issue: Note: Further development was made and not referenced/used in the project.

emvaldes commented 21 hours ago

Profile: JosiahSiegel

Objective: Import Stackoverflow database into a PostgreSQL database. The social network Stackoverflow ( regularly publishes a dump of its database under a Creative Commons free license. We can find dump file here.

Target: stackoverflow_in_pg@latest : c4c3bbe (latest)

Invoked: Indirectly (nested)

repos = {
    terraform-templates = {
        url = "",
        mount_path = "/app/repo1" },
    so2pg = {
        url = "",
        mount_path = "/app/repo2"

python stackoverflow_in_pg/python_src/ PostHistory.xml \
> posthistory.sql

python stackoverflow_in_pg/python_src/ Tags.xml > tags.sql

Tracking GitHub Issue:

emvaldes commented 21 hours ago

Profile: JosiahSiegel

Objective: Output the following statistics for the Terraform environment:

  1. Terraform version
  2. Drift count a. "Drift" refers to changes made outside of Terraform and does not necessary match any resources listed for changes.
  3. Resource drifts
  4. Change count a. "Change" refers to change actions that Terraform plans to use to move from the prior state to a new state.
  5. Change percent a. Percentage of changes to total resources.
  6. Resource changes

Target: terraform-stats@v1.6 : 68b8cbe Latest: terraform-stats (c49292abedbdec5db97c73ab4f15613c9d359790)

Invoked: Directly

Workflows: ./.github/workflows/alert_terraform_changes.yml:[32,55]:

Tracking GitHub Issue: Note: Further development was made and not referenced/used in the project.

emvaldes commented 20 hours ago

Profile: JosiahSiegel

Objective: This repository contains Terraform templates for deploying various resources in Azure. It is designed to help beginners get started with provisioning infrastructure using Terraform.

Target: terraform-templates@latest : a11c320 (latest)

Invoked: Indirectly (nested)

-d Ubuntu-22.04 \
-m demo \
-u demouser \
-r ''

Tracking GitHub Issue:

emvaldes commented 20 hours ago

Profile: JosiahSiegel

Objective: Retain a time period or quantity of workflow runs.

Target: workflow-housekeeper@v1.1.0 : 731cc20

Invoked: Directly

Workflows: ./.github/workflows/log_management.yml:[16,28]:

Tracking GitHub Issue:

emvaldes commented 16 hours ago

These are the GitHub Workflows and Actions we need to further review. Understanding these GitHub Workflows/Actions is critical for us so that we can identify the true nature/objectives and inter-dependencies while using these external GitHub Actions.

Clarifications: I am in favor to import them and leave them as they are until we can tackle these at a later time. I believe we should import both direct and indirect modules. In ideal conditions, I would recommend to simply fork them and create a functional branch to interconnect them all while maintaining an upstream link.


  1. ./.github/workflows/alert_terraform_changes.yml:

  2. ./.github/workflows/log_management.yml:

  3. ./.github/workflows/prepare_deployment_branch.yaml:

  4. ./.github/workflows/release_to_azure.yml:

  5. ./.github/workflows/release_chatops_app.yml:

  6. ./.github/workflows/scan_action_logs.yml:


emvaldes commented 15 hours ago

There are a lot of multiple externally referenced GitHub Actions directly invoked within the project's pipelines. A very large and significant volume of dependencies that we do not control their compliance.

$ find . -type f \
   | xargs -I {} egrep -Hn -i "\ uses\:\ " {} \
   | egrep -v -i "josiahsiegel" \
   | egrep -v -i "\#\# DevSecOps \- Aquia \(Replace\) " \
   | awk -F':' '{print $1" -> "$3":"$4}' \
   | sed -e 's|\([[:blank:]]\)\{1,\}|\ |g' \
   | sort -u \
   | egrep -v "uses: \.\/\.github\/" \
   | egrep -v "uses: github\/" \
   | egrep -v "uses: actions\/" ;


./.github/actions/build-auth/action.yml -> - uses: gradle/actions/setup-gradle@
./.github/actions/build-backend/action.yml -> - uses: gradle/actions/setup-gradle@
./.github/actions/build-backend/action.yml -> uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/linux@
./.github/actions/build-backend/action.yml -> uses: jwalton/gh-docker-logs@
./.github/actions/build-submissions/action.yml -> - uses: gradle/actions/setup-gradle@
./.github/actions/build-vars/action.yml -> - uses: azure/login@
./.github/actions/build-vars/action.yml -> - uses: dorny/paths-filter@
./.github/actions/connect-ovpn/ -> uses: golfzaptw/action-connect-ovpn@master
./.github/actions/demo-env/action.yml -> uses: convictional/trigger-workflow-and-wait@
./.github/actions/notifications/action.yml -> uses: rtCamp/action-slack-notify@
./.github/actions/retry/action.yml -> - uses: nick-fields/retry@
./.github/actions/sonarcloud/action.yml -> uses: sonarsource/sonarcloud-github-action@
./.github/actions/vpn-azure/action.yml -> - uses: azure/login@


./.github/workflows/alert_PD_schedule_Slack.yml -> uses: antifree/json-to-variables@
./.github/workflows/alert_version_upgrade.yml -> uses: supriyaaddagada/json-to-variables@
./.github/workflows/build_hub.yml -> uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@
./.github/workflows/deploy_terraform.yml -> uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@
./.github/workflows/destroy_demo_environment.yml -> uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@
./.github/workflows/frontend_chromatic_main.yml -> uses: chromaui/action@
./.github/workflows/frontend_ci.yml -> # uses: snyk/actions/node@
./.github/workflows/frontend_ci.yml -> uses: chromaui/action@
./.github/workflows/frontend_ci.yml -> uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@
./.github/workflows/frontend_ci.yml -> uses: peter-evans/find-comment@
./.github/workflows/publish_docker.yaml -> - uses: dorny/paths-filter@
./.github/workflows/publish_docker.yaml -> uses: docker/login-action@
./.github/workflows/release_chatops_app.yml -> - uses: azure/login@
./.github/workflows/release_to_azure.yml -> uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@
./.github/workflows/release_to_github.yml -> uses: dev-drprasad/delete-older-releases@
./.github/workflows/release_to_github.yml -> uses: mikepenz/release-changelog-builder-action@
./.github/workflows/release_to_github.yml -> uses: ncipollo/release-action@
./.github/workflows/restore_databases.yml -> - uses: azure/login@
./.github/workflows/snyk.yml -> - uses: gradle/actions/setup-gradle@
./.github/workflows/snyk.yml -> - uses: snyk/actions/setup@
./.github/workflows/sonarcloud.yml -> uses: gradle/actions/setup-gradle@
./.github/workflows/sonarcloud.yml -> uses: tj-actions/branch-names@
./.github/workflows/sonarcloud.yml -> uses: tj-actions/changed-files@
./.github/workflows/start_test_servers.yml -> - uses: azure/login@
./.github/workflows/stop_test_servers.yml -> - uses: azure/login@
./.github/workflows/validate_resources.yml -> - uses: azure/login@
./.github/workflows/validate_terraform.yml -> uses: bridgecrewio/checkov-action@
./.github/workflows/validate_terraform.yml -> uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@
emvaldes commented 15 hours ago

These are GitHub Actions hosted locally within the project and are directly invoked:


./.github/actions/build-auth/action.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/retry

./.github/actions/build-backend/action.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/retry
./.github/actions/build-backend/action.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/runner-ip
./.github/actions/build-backend/action.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/vpn-azure

./.github/actions/build-frontend/action.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/retry

./.github/actions/build-submissions/action.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/retry
./.github/actions/db-restore/action.yml -> - uses: ./.github/actions/retry

./.github/actions/demo-env/action.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/retry
./.github/actions/demo-env/action.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/runner-ip

./.github/actions/deploy-backend/action.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/retry

./.github/actions/vpn-azure/action.yml -> - uses: ./.github/actions/connect-ovpn


./.github/workflows/StaleItemsReport.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/notifications

./.github/workflows/alert_MBUsers_Inactive.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/notifications
./.github/workflows/alert_PD_schedule_Slack.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/notifications
./.github/workflows/alert_cert_expire.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/notifications
./.github/workflows/alert_cert_expire.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/runner-ip
./.github/workflows/alert_cert_expire.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/vpn-azure
./.github/workflows/alert_resource_costs.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/az-cost
./.github/workflows/alert_resource_costs.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/notifications
./.github/workflows/alert_resource_costs.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/vpn-azure
./.github/workflows/alert_stale_branches.yaml -> uses: ./.github/actions/notifications
./.github/workflows/alert_terraform_changes.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/notifications
./.github/workflows/alert_terraform_changes.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/vpn-azure
./.github/workflows/alert_version_upgrade.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/notifications

./.github/workflows/build_frontend.yaml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-frontend
./.github/workflows/build_frontend.yaml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-vars
./.github/workflows/build_hub.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-backend
./.github/workflows/build_hub.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-vars

./.github/workflows/cleanup_acr_images.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/vpn-azure

./.github/workflows/deploy_terraform.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-vars
./.github/workflows/deploy_terraform.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/vpn-azure
./.github/workflows/deployment_rollback.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/runner-ip
./.github/workflows/deployment_rollback.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/vpn-azure

./.github/workflows/destroy_demo_environment.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/demo-env
./.github/workflows/destroy_demo_environment.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/vpn-azure

./.github/workflows/export_cost_data.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/az-cost
./.github/workflows/export_cost_data.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/db-query
./.github/workflows/export_cost_data.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/runner-ip
./.github/workflows/export_cost_data.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/vpn-azure

./.github/workflows/frontend_ci.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-vars

./.github/workflows/release_chatops_app.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-vars
./.github/workflows/release_to_azure.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-backend
./.github/workflows/release_to_azure.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-frontend
./.github/workflows/release_to_azure.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-vars
./.github/workflows/release_to_azure.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/demo-env
./.github/workflows/release_to_azure.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/deploy-backend
./.github/workflows/release_to_azure.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/deploy-frontend
./.github/workflows/release_to_azure.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/vpn-azure
./.github/workflows/release_to_github.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-backend
./.github/workflows/release_to_github.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-frontend
./.github/workflows/release_to_github.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-vars
./.github/workflows/release_trial_frontend.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-frontend
./.github/workflows/release_trial_frontend.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-vars
./.github/workflows/release_trial_frontend.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/deploy-frontend
./.github/workflows/release_trial_frontend.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/vpn-azure

./.github/workflows/restore_databases.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/db-backup
./.github/workflows/restore_databases.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/db-query
./.github/workflows/restore_databases.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/db-restore
./.github/workflows/restore_databases.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/mount-share
./.github/workflows/restore_databases.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/retry

./.github/workflows/snyk.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-vars

./.github/workflows/sonarcloud.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-auth
./.github/workflows/sonarcloud.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-submissions
./.github/workflows/sonarcloud.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/retry
./.github/workflows/sonarcloud.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/sonarcloud

./.github/workflows/start_test_servers.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/Start-AzFunction
./.github/workflows/start_test_servers.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/Start-PostgresDB

./.github/workflows/stop_test_servers.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/Stop-AzFunction
./.github/workflows/stop_test_servers.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/Stop-PostgresDB
./.github/workflows/stop_test_servers.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/vpn-azure

./.github/workflows/sync-translation-schemas.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-backend
./.github/workflows/sync-translation-schemas.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/retry
./.github/workflows/sync-translation-schemas.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/runner-ip
./.github/workflows/sync-translation-schemas.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/vpn-azure

./.github/workflows/validate_resources.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-vars
./.github/workflows/validate_resources.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/retry
./.github/workflows/validate_resources.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/vpn-azure
./.github/workflows/validate_terraform.yml -> uses: ./.github/actions/build-vars
emvaldes commented 15 hours ago

It's impossible to determine at this point in time which ones are of value and which ones are not. This can only be defined in time when we gain a better understanding on the project and its legacy pipelines.