CDCgov / prime-reportstream

ReportStream is a public intermediary tool for delivery of data between different parts of the healthcare ecosystem.
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Deliveries API supports FHIR bulk submissions #7934

Open carlosfelix2 opened 1 year ago

carlosfelix2 commented 1 year ago

User Story:

As receiver, I want to be able to retrieve the list of deliveries that include reports submitted as FHIR bulk submissions, so I can get accurate reports of my received data.

Description/Use Case

The deliveries API and deliveries detail API need to provide accurate data on FHIR bulk submissions, so it shows all the reports delivered including those from a FHIR bulk submission. This is similar to having the system receive an HL7 batch or CSV file with multiple lines and sending those reports to receivers.


Dev Notes:

Acceptance Criteria

avnieldravid commented 1 year ago

Can we verify if this is still needed?

bishoyayoub commented 1 year ago

@arnejduranovic Do we still need this story?