Where do we store the JWKs (keys) for this type of auth. This is currently stored in the RS database as part of the Organization in the settings table. It would probably be better if we had a third-party app manage this for us (like keycloak)
Presently, RS uses SimpleReport's instance of Okta for user auth. There is current work ongoing to move RS to its own Okta instance, but should that be the long term solution? Jim's discussion with Boris can be found below, and will need to be investigated.
Boris (Yu Ning) from the CD recommends we take a look at Keycloak for our Identity Provider. Then he suggests using [Login.gov](http://login.gov/) for identity proofing, either via
ReportStream -> Keycloak -> SAMS -> [Login.gov](http://login.gov/)
or maybe
ReportStream -> Keycloak -> [Login.gov](http://login.gov/)
User Story:
As ReportStream, I should have a documented long-term strategy for authorization and authentication for both user->RS and machine->RS interfaces.
Description/Use Case
Presently, ReportStream implements the two-legged auth approach specified by FHIR. This is not up for discussion. What is, however, is the following:
Mo's thoughts: https://cdc-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/qva8_cdc_gov/Documents/Authentication%20Enhancements%20for%20ReportStream.docx?d=wdb87f60aca0e4f8394c998d8ec0d6d7f&csf=1&web=1&e=mxZ6ve
Arnej's thoughts: Seems like this tutorial would be a good start, should look through this and then discuss with Nava's login.gov team: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-cloud-gateway-oauth2
Dev Notes:
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