CDCgov / prime-reportstream

ReportStream is a public intermediary tool for delivery of data between different parts of the healthcare ecosystem.
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Create messaging framework #9482

Closed audreykwr closed 10 months ago

audreykwr commented 11 months ago

User story

As a user, I want to clearly understand ReportStream and how it meets my needs.

Background & context

The brand workshop brought together SMEs and stakeholders to start work defining what we need to form messaging and tone for ReportSteam and begin to create alignment across the product. After gathering their input, we made detailed implementation plans that include honing our tone of voice.

This will involve primary message and secondary messages based on priority of what we want the audience to know. These messages can be translated and communicated through different types of content and are not necessarily copy and paste statements.

Open questions

Follow up on this ticket

Acceptance criteria

audreykwr commented 10 months ago

on track

audreykwr commented 10 months ago

Draft finished and shared for feedback