CDCgov / prime-simplereport

SimpleReport is a fast, free, and easy way for COVID-19 testing facilities to report results to public health departments.
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[Syphilis] Update bulk results upload guide to reflect Syphilis AOE changes #7725

Open jayna-SkylightDigital opened 1 month ago

jayna-SkylightDigital commented 1 month ago

Why should we do this?

User story

As a user of the CSV Bulk Results Uploader in the SimpleReport web application, I want to guidance available on how to upload CSV results for the same diseases that are available in single-entry so that I can accurately upload the data and ensure that it is properly categorized.

Action Requested

Add a new guidance section for Syphilis AOE:

Acceptance Criteria

Additional Context

Syphilis result
[Radio button] Positive
[Radio button] Negative
[Radio button] Inconclusive

Has the patient been told they have syphilis before?
[Radio button] Yes
[Radio button] No
[Radio button] Prefer not to say

Is the patient currently experiencing any symptoms?
[Radio button] Yes
[Radio button] No

Which symptoms are they experiencing?
[checkbox] Genital sore/lesion
[checkbox] Anal sore/lesion
[checkbox] Sore(s) in mouth/lips
[checkbox] Body Rash
[checkbox] Palmar (hand)/plantar (foot) rash
[checkbox] Flat white warts
[checkbox] Hearing loss
[checkbox] Blurred vision
[checkbox] Patchy hair loss

Date of symptom onset

What is the gender of their sexual partners? (Select all that apply)
[checkbox] Female
[checkbox] Male
[checkbox] Transwoman
[checkbox] Transman
[checkbox] Nonbinary or gender non-conforming
[checkbox] Gender identity not listed here
[checkbox] Prefer not to answer

Is the patient pregnant?
[Radio button] Yes
[Radio button] No
[Radio button] Prefer not to say

[Button] Submit results
DanielSass commented 1 month ago

Requesting copy for the description @jayna-SkylightDigital