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External (Sharepoint) Documentation - SLA, incident management process #773

Open scleary1cs opened 10 months ago

scleary1cs commented 10 months ago


As a , so that , I need _.


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Research Questions



scleary1cs commented 2 weeks ago

We need to create a documentation package that adheres to the spirit of the SLA. We can borrow heavily from the incident management process.

Keep in mind our current thinking on the ReportStream ETOR Help Desk Options (sent via email on 11/05/24 subject "ReportStream ETOR Help Desk Options": Option Two: Utilizing the ReportStream Help Desk

This option was originally proposed but needs further clarification. Considerations:

Spirit of the SLA can be found here. DRAFT ReportStream SLA - customer facing section - 15May2024 .docx

scleary1cs commented 2 weeks ago

@amcnuttJMC this is the story you asked to be tagged in.

brick-green commented 1 week ago

@halprin Can you provide some current work?

halprin commented 1 week ago

@amcnuttJMC, I updated the process documentation page in Notion. @brick-green, feel free to review. We already have an Internal Incident Management Process folder in SharePoint. Any updates would probably go in there.