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Bug: 任务栏置顶时的窗口位置无法调整的小问题 #4

Closed GitHubonline1396529 closed 7 months ago

GitHubonline1396529 commented 10 months ago



这个问题说起来有些可笑…… 但是是的,我的电脑 Windows 系统任务栏是置顶的,位于桌面最上方。




这不是一个严重的问题,因为我可以不使用最大化窗口。但是因为问题存在,所以在 issue 里面简单反馈一下。这算是一个 Bug 吗?


GitHubonline1396529 commented 10 months ago

Here is an English translation of this Issue, for those people who are not native Chinese speakers ...

Issue Description

Software Version: qETRC-win64_V1.5.2_R45_20230930

This might sound a bit silly... but yes, my Windows taskbar is set to be always on top, positioned at the top of the desktop.

I encountered a situation where I couldn't adjust the window position because the window's title bar was located outside of the desktop area and was obscured by the taskbar.

As shown in the image below:

Encountered a situation where window position couldn't be adjusted

This is not a serious issue as I can simply avoid maximizing the window. However, I wanted to provide some feedback in this issue due to its existence. Is this considered a bug?

Possible Reproduction Steps

CDK6182CHR commented 10 months ago

你好,非常感谢你的反馈。这确实可以算一个Bug。 这个问题应该是由于本项目使用的SARibbon库引起的。我注意到SARibbon库目前已有最新版本,我将尝试换用新版本的SARibbon构建看能否解决问题。

Thank you very much for reminding me this issue. This should be a bug. This problem is probably caused by the SARibbon library used by this project. I have noticed that SARibbon has published some new versions (than that currently used to build qETRC), and I will try to switch to a new version of SARibbon to see whether this can be sovled.

CDK6182CHR commented 9 months ago

在V1.5.3 R46发行版中,已经将SARibbon支持库版本升级到1.0.7,经测试此问题应当已经解决。

The version of the SARibbon library is updated to 1.0.7 in qETRC version 1.5.3 Release 46. As demonstrated by my test, this problem should be solved.