CDLUC3 / dmptool

DMPTool version of the DMPRoadmap codebase
MIT License
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DMP JSON has no 'contact' after the owner removes the plan in the UI #284

Closed briri closed 1 year ago

briri commented 3 years ago

The RDA common standard requires a contact. We use the owner (or co-owner if the owner is not available) for this information.

In a scenario where the plan has been "registered" and received a DMP ID and the owner then "removes" the plan via the "My Dashboard" page, the flag is set to false. The JSON checks this flag when gathering the contact info.

See an example here

The issue is that the system is then unable to update the DMP ID record in the DMPHub because it is trying to send JSON with no contact.

Should we ignore the flag for these situations or should we consider the plan to be a test and remove it from the DMPHub and EZID?

mariapraetzellis commented 3 years ago

We are holding off on this right now as we finalize plans re DMP versioning.