CDLUC3 / dmptool

DMPTool version of the DMPRoadmap codebase
MIT License
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Deploy Questions #432

Closed miggall closed 5 months ago

miggall commented 1 year ago

What version of the DMPRoadmap code are you running? (e.g. v2.2.0) v4.0.5

Curious about the "deploy.rb" configuration. I can see that you are bundle installing without a few groups set :bundle_without, %w[pgsql thin rollbar test].join(' ') however it appears the development group is still installed? Are you running rails spring in production? Or are you simply installing the gem and disabling spring by setting the DISABLE_SPRING environment variable?

I was attempting to get a slimmed production build but excluding the development group from the bundle caused errors. Any suggestions, advice?

briri commented 1 year ago

Hi @miggall i haven’t looked at the deploy script in quite some time. My guess is that some of the gems in the development group should probably not be because they’re needed in all environments.

We manage the app via systemd using the puma commands. We don’t have the DISABLE_SPRING var set so there may be some unnecessary stuff getting loaded.

I’d be very interested to see what you end up with. We’ve been dealing with some memory issues lately #419 and any improvements in this area would likely help.

I’m off this week but will have a look at our current prod setup when I’m back

miggall commented 1 year ago

@briri alright, thank you! I was curious how you all were going about it. I ended up containerizing the entire application for deployment and I as I started to slim down and optimize I started getting running into issues mainly with spring. This does alleviate some of my concerns, however. I'll keep the issue open only to get some feedback from you when you return but otherwise I feel you have answered my question.

briri commented 1 year ago

I need to look into this as it does appear that we do not have our dependencies properly organized and we would benefit from a slimmed down set for production and stage

briri commented 5 months ago

I think this is being addressed in the upcoming version of the DMPRoadmap codebase (this repo is a fork of DMPRoadmap).