CDLUC3 / dmptool

DMPTool version of the DMPRoadmap codebase
MIT License
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Update DMPTool to generate public plan PDFs and place in ActiveStorage #510

Closed briri closed 5 months ago

briri commented 9 months ago

Update the DMPTool code so that it generates the narrative PDF for public plans and stores it in S3.

Then update the public plans page to retrieve the PDF from S3 instead of generating it on the fly.

Leave the PDF generation from the the 'Download' tab as is

briri commented 9 months ago

This has been deployed to stage and seems to be working without issue. Monitoring the server's memory usage and the number of 500 level errors

briri commented 8 months ago

This work is done. Will be deployed as part of the early December upgrade when we connect the DMPTool to the new DMPHub

briri commented 5 months ago

Deployed as part of v5