CDLUC3 / dmptool

DMPTool version of the DMPRoadmap codebase
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delayed_job not starting via capistrano or puppet #531

Closed briri closed 5 months ago

briri commented 5 months ago

The production environment seems to have a Bundler or environment configuration mismatch. We are unable to get systemd or capistrano to start delayed_job. We can however start/stop it manually as the role account.

This is working in stage. Added a bunch of debug to the Rails startup files and the bin/delayed_job binstub and found that it is failing when hitting the Bundler.require(*Rails.groups) line in application.rb. This line uses the Gemfile to determine what gems to load.

The journalctl output shows a mysql socket error.

The debug output shows that the Gem paths and Bundler versions are identical regardless of whether we start it manually or via systemd.

briri commented 5 months ago

Ashley noticed that we had the SSM_ROOT_PATH env variable set for the systemd unit file for puma. Adding it to the one for delayed_job fixed the issue.