CDLUC3 / dmptool

DMPTool version of the DMPRoadmap codebase
MIT License
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Bug(s) on public plans page #541

Closed mariapraetzellis closed 3 months ago

mariapraetzellis commented 3 months ago

A user reported several issues on the public plans page.

  1. The sidebar facet does not look like it contains the correct or complete values. For example, 0 funders are listed, and only 33 institutions.

  2. The numbers included in parenthesis are inaccurate. For example, USDOT has 35 in the sidebar, but 27 plans appear when selected.

  3. I was not able to reproduce this error, but the user reported that searching for "Thermal Effects of Bombardment in the Early Solar System (ThEBES)" (without the quotation marks) they got a 403 Forbidden error.