CDLUC3 / dmptool_late_2019

Home of the DMP Roadmap-based version of the DMPTool
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Org name not visible when logged in on mobile #221

Closed briri closed 5 years ago

briri commented 5 years ago

The org name is supposed to appear in the fixed menu at the top when you login on a mobile device.

stephaniesimms commented 5 years ago

the only evidence of my org affiliation is a link in the hamburger menu "UCSD links" with a dropdown arrow. this is sufficient.

the only problem is that if the org hasn't supplied any links the label still appears there with nothing underneath when i click the dropdown, e.g. "NSF links."

stephaniesimms commented 5 years ago

org name now appears at the top of mobile display. only org name appears in dropdown menu (without "links"). both changes look great. closing issue.