CDLUC3 / dmsp_aws_prototype

Sceptre CloudFormation templates for DMPHub v2
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Setup ECS and CodePipeline for Rails prototype #37

Closed briri closed 5 months ago

briri commented 1 year ago

Dockerize the DMPTool using dmp-roadmap-cfn as a model. Then setup ECS and a CodePipeline.

briri commented 1 year ago

@ashleygould I am in the process of dockerizing the DMPTool app and am going to deploy it to Fargate.

I would like for IAS to delegate the hosted domain to our account. I ultimately want to do the following with the domains for the DMPTool/DMPHub services:

Ticket for IAS to delegate to us

Once we have the hosted zone setup and we've got the routing above working, we can get rid of

briri commented 1 year ago

Investigate using Trivy to scan images for vulnerabilities (see confluence Tech-X presentation from 2023-05-18)

briri commented 6 months ago

Setting this up in the new dmsp_prototyp private repository for now. We will be transitioning to a three Repo setup: 1) Infrastructure (this repo), 2) Rails backend API app, 3) JS UI app

briri commented 6 months ago

This ticket involves setting up the ECS, CodePipeline and CodeBuild infrastructure

briri commented 5 months ago

Pipeline and CodeBuild are working properly. Still need to:

Going to need to setup the WAF to block bot traffic. It is in place but just counting at the moment