CDLUC3 / dmsp_backend_prototype

The GraphQL (Apollo server) backend for the new DMSP system
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Build out Org resolver and schema #11

Open briri opened 3 months ago

briri commented 3 months ago

Build the orgs table in Dynamo and the corresponding scaffolding (Model, Controller, Policy).

The record structure should use the ROR ID as the partition key. We don't need a Sort Key here, searching will be done via OpenSearch.

The field structure should look something like this, where we've extracted the most important elements from the raw ROR record. The Metadata entry should contain the raw ROR record.:

PK: ROR id SK: 'ORG' Provenance: String (e.g. 'ror', 'dmsp') Name: String Url: String Type: String (e.g. Funder, Education, etc.) Metadata: JSON Object (essentially the rest of the ROR record) Add API integrations as separate records. This record is where we will store custom/related info specific to the application. Then, for all of the NIH (Url ends with, NASA (Url ends with and then refer to the DMPTool's v5 Rake task to find the other Orgs with an API integration with Crossref. Add entries for those orgs.

PK: ROR id SK: 'DMSP' ApiTarget: String (URL of the API endpoint to search for projects) ApiGuidance: Text (info to display in UI when user is searching the API) ApiQueryFields: JSON Object (describes the fields the UI should provide for search) ApiAuthTarget: String (URL of the authentication endpoint if applicable) The Model should fetch both records and combine them as necessary for the . Even though most of the data will come from ROR, we will need to be able to create our own Org records, so the controller should support full CRUD operations.

Refer to the on the dmsp_aws_prototype repo.

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