CDLUC3 / dmsp_backend_prototype

The GraphQL (Apollo server) backend for the new DMSP system
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Build out Template resolvers and schema #14

Open briri opened 3 months ago

briri commented 3 months ago

Define what information we need to store for templates

Build the templates table in RDS and the corresponding scaffolding (Model, Controller, Policy).

Build the templates_questions FKey table

Build the template_overlays table

Templates should have a family_id and be versional (use a model concern for this)

Create the default template(s).

Define how we will handle conditional logic here.

A Template Overlay is a series of additional tags/questions an Org can create for a template.

When fetching a Template that has Overlays, the Rails app should be able to fetch the published Template and then simply merge the Overlay.

Refer to the on the dmsp_aws_prototype repo.

Build RSpec tests!