CDLUC3 / dmsp_backend_prototype

The GraphQL (Apollo server) backend for the new DMSP system
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Build out Lookup tables #15

Open briri opened 3 months ago

briri commented 3 months ago

The system will need a few tables that contain canned values. These should reside in the RDS instance.

Build the table in RDS and the corresponding scaffolding (Model, Controller, Policy) for each of the following tables:

tags (contributors (2), costs (7), ethics (3), project_details (1), funding, research_outputs (8), data_preservation (5), security_privacy(4), quality_assurance (6)) This table should include a 'default_order' refer to numbers listed here. research_output_types (use the values the DMPTool has defined) research_domains (use the WebOfScience values) Refer to the on the dmsp_aws_prototype repo.

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