CDLUC3 / dmsp_frontend_prototype

Repo to test out new NextJS framework
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Question Type Spec #48

Open fraserclark opened 1 month ago

fraserclark commented 1 month ago

We have question types which will form the Template builder, however we need to scope these out a little, after we can wireframe them so we know what to build.

Simple: Text field Email field URL field Text area Radio buttons Check boxes Select box Multi-select boxes Date field Date range Table (define #rows and cols and set heading text)

Complex widgets Repository selector Metadata standard selector Output formats Licenses People (ORCID lookup) Protocol selector RRID selector Genbank Gene ontologies etc (look at CZI proposal)

I think we need to define each something like the following structure for each. We can then Wireframe these to help development of style guide etc

Type: Text Field Comment: Standard text field - no real special features Requirement text: Yes Guidance Text: Yes Sample Answer : Yes Default answer: No - this will be covered by sample text etc Validation rules: Allow builder to as required, allow min and max length??? Allow for conditional logic? yes

Type: Radio buttons Comment: Standard radio button - will allow for single selection of a radio button. The template builder must allow for key and label of each radio option must be editable Requirement text: Yes Guidance Text: Yes Sample Answer : n/a - as going to be yes/no Default Answer: Yes - we want builder to be able to preselect a radio button Validation rules: required Allow for conditional logic? yes

Type: Repository selector Comment: An autocomplete-like tool and repo selector API will be used, API is TBC. but it will return Repo Name to display to user and other meta data such as ID, Repo URL etc Requirement text: Yes Guidance Text: Yes Sample Answer : n/a - as going to be yes/no Default Answer: n/a Validation rules: required Allow for conditional logic? no

mariapraetzellis commented 1 month ago

For now we will define these questions on a google doc and link here when done.

mariapraetzellis commented 1 month ago

We have started working on defining the specs here.

We can get through the Simple question types this week. The Complex question types may take longer- will that hold you up @fraserclark?

fraserclark commented 1 month ago

@mariapraetzellis nope all good

mariapraetzellis commented 2 weeks ago

@fraserclark @cazinc I am considering closing this ticket and moving the "complex question" types to their own issues. I have finished defining the simple question types (here, but the "complex" questions will take more time to define. Let's discuss at the next dev meeting.

cazinc commented 2 weeks ago

I think that's a good idea @mariapraetzellis - there's certainly enough material to warrant their own card. Thanks for letting us know.