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Create Figma wireframes for guidance overlay (customization) #52

Open mariapraetzellis opened 4 weeks ago

mariapraetzellis commented 4 weeks ago

"Guidance overlay" describes a feature allowing an administrator to "overlay" a publicly available template with customized questions, sections, and question-specific guidance. The available customizations include:

Additional requirements:

Viewing this overlay when building a plan will only be available to users from the same organization/institution. One exception is that if a plan that has an overlay is shared with a researcher from another organization/institution, that user will view the guidance of the plan creator.

cazinc commented 2 weeks ago

Hello all,

We've got a first draft of this ready for you.

I've done a Fraser-style voice walk through, available at (about 11 mins).

The interactive prototype itself is at

Any questions please shout, otherwise look forward to seeing you all tomorrow and going through this then.

bofstein commented 4 days ago

I'm trying to review this today but I'm a bit unclear about the relationship between this guidance and the org guidance. For example, this makes it seem like UCOP may have one policy for a template while this admin is overriding it for different guidance. However, admins are specifically associated with the organization and are the ones that set up the org's guidance as far as I understand. So I'm not sure how it comes in to play that a UCOP admin might override their own guidance - wouldn't they be the ones that set the original guidance and could just go change it?


bofstein commented 4 days ago

I'm also overall a bit unclear on the relationship between this flow and the Template builder flow which seems like the same idea - taking a basic start from a funder (e.g. a base NSF template) and adding org-specific guidance. I may need to be given more context on this from Maria or others on the need here so I can give feedback.

cazinc commented 3 days ago

Can discuss today if Becky - a good test of whether what was discussed re Guidance in the Workshops and our implementation of that here is "right" and also if it can be made clear to users!

cazinc commented 2 days ago

As discussed I've now created a dedicated card for feedback on this: #624