CDLUC3 / dmsp_frontend_prototype

Repo to test out new NextJS framework
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Configure linting for app and correct existing issues #53

Closed jupiter007 closed 2 weeks ago

jupiter007 commented 4 weeks ago

We need to incorporate linting to catch JS and TypeScript errors.

As part of this ticket, we should fix existing issues, and run the "lint" script whenever a user wants to run a git commit (and possibly run "test" as well.

We should probably add a .eslintrc.js file that looks something like this:

module.exports = {
    parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
    parserOptions: {
        ecmaVersion: 2021,
        sourceType: 'module',
        ecmaFeatures: {
            jsx: true,
    env: {
        browser: true,
        es2021: true,
        node: true,
    root: true,
    extends: [
    plugins: ['@typescript-eslint', 'react'],
    rules: {
        // JavaScript rules
        'prefer-const': 'warn',
        'no-var': 'warn',
        'no-unused-vars': 'warn',
        'object-shorthand': 'warn',
        'quote-props': ['warn', 'as-needed'],
        "react/react-in-jsx-scope": "off",
        // TypeScript rules
        '@typescript-eslint/array-type': [
                default: 'array',
        '@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions': [
                assertionStyle: 'as',
                objectLiteralTypeAssertions: 'never',
    settings: {
        react: {
            version: 'detect',

and an .eslintignore file.

Install @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin, @typescript-eslint/parser, eslint-plugin-next