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Migrate UCLA Dataverse DOIs #222

Open mariagould opened 2 years ago

mariagould commented 2 years ago

UCLA is migrating a collection of about 1600 DOIs from Harvard Dataverse to a UCLA Dataverse repository. We need to be able to add these DOIs to EZID so that UCLA can keep the identifiers up to date.

The DOIs in question are registered on prefix 10.7910, which is a common Harvard Dataverse prefix. Therefore, CDL will not be taking ownership of the prefix - just the DOIs. UCLA will be registering all new DOIs on a different prefix.

Assumption: The prefix/shoulder creation process is independent of the repository permissions set by DataCite. So this means that once DataCite transfers the repository permissions, we should be able to set up the super-shoulder and then run an operation on the whole batch of DOIs to get them into EZID.


mariagould commented 6 months ago

Waiting on follow-up from UCLA. Last communication was November 2021.

mariagould commented 6 months ago

List of DOIs to be transferred as of October 2021. Does not include full metadata. ssda-doi-list.csv