CDLUC3 / ezid-service

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Script for campus/group reporting #231

Open mariagould opened 2 years ago

mariagould commented 2 years ago

EZID campus admins are interested in understanding and having more information about usage - who has an EZID account, what identifiers are they registering, etc. In the future, this information should be made available to campus admins via some sort of dashboard they can access in EZID. In the shorter term, we can develop a script that pulls this information for admins on a regular basis.

To do:

Reporting details: This information will be collected for the following EZID groups only (not all EZID groups at this time): cdl, sb-library, ucblibrary, ucd-library, ucla-library, ucsdlib, ucsc-lib, ucsf, uci, ucrlibrary, ucmlibrary

Information to be collected:

1. Campus overview report

2. User report by campus

3. Shoulder report by campus

jsjiang commented 1 year ago

@mariagould Draft reports are saved here Reports include: users_per_group shoulders_per_group user_report_cdl user_report_ucblibrary shoulder_preport_cdl Shoulder_reprt_ucblibrary

Each report has two file formats: .tsv and Google Sheet.

Please take a look and let me know if you have problem accessing the reports. Also these are draft reports and may need adjustments.

Thank you
