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Support for IGSN in EZID #257

Open mariagould opened 6 months ago

mariagould commented 6 months ago

DataCite supports IGSN and we should consider whether this is something to support via EZID.

We need to explore use cases at UC, investigate what would be needed to support IGSN within EZID from a technical standpoint, and also understand the financial implications of enabling IGSN registrations because these would increase the number of DOIs we register.

Information from EZID user Rupert Minnett (EarthRef)

We're working on building for several domain data repositories to reuse our software. DOIs are created through EZID for the versioned datasets that are contributed to these repositories. Many of these datasets include results from measurements of physical rock samples, some of which are subsamples of the same original sample but measured for different purposes (e.g. geochronology and paleomagnetism). Working with the scientists to register IGSNs, if they don't already have them, along with a DOI for their dataset helps to document the provenance of these physical samples and cite their use in datasets across repositories.