CDLUC3 / ezid

CDLUC3 ezid
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Disable public access to the download folder #576

Closed jsjiang closed 22 hours ago

jsjiang commented 4 months ago

The public access point "" is not needed anymore as we use the S3 bucket for batch download now. The access point is mapped to the "/apps/ezid/var/www/download/public" folder on the server. We still need the "/apps/ezid/var/www/download/public" folder for other operation. But we don't need to provide public access over URL.

jsjiang commented 2 months ago

Update /ezid/etc/httpd/conf.d/03-ezid-nossl.conf to remove the following entries:

    Alias /download /ezid/var/www/download/public
    <Directory /ezid/var/www/download/public>
        Require all granted
        Options -Indexes
        ErrorDocument 404 /download_error
ashleygould commented 1 month ago

I have updated ansible configs to delete the ~/dowload symlink and to omit alias download config in httpd configs. see branch disable_http_download. I have tagged this change as 3.2.9rc0. PR pending.

ashleygould commented 1 month ago

I reverted deleteion of ~/download symlink and cut a new tag: 3.2.9rc1

jsjiang commented 1 month ago
adambuttrick commented 22 hours ago

Released as part of