CDLUC3 / ezid

CDLUC3 ezid
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Update EZID to use N2T alias #581

Closed jsjiang closed 4 months ago

jsjiang commented 4 months ago

As part of the N2T migration roll back plan, we will continue sending ARK's metadata to current N2T servers. IAS will create alias for current N2T instances. Update EZID to use N2T alias for the binder:


Stg: BINDER_URL = ''

Also, check to see if we need to update RESOLVER_ARK



Checked with Dave on RESOLVER_ARK:

Dave V
  [9:52 AM](
No, that remains the same. That is the advertised URL for resolving ARK identifiers and that will not change since it is already in broad use.

So we only need to update BINDER_URL.

ashleygould commented 4 months ago

I/ve requested new alias and ssl certs for names

see cdlsys issues:

jsjiang commented 4 months ago
ids-n2t2-stg:logs n2t<>  $ [svu cv2:cur] grep fk8tt4p6v transaction_log
jsjiang commented 4 months ago


-bash-4.2$ aws ssm get-parameter --name /uc3/ezid/ui/default/binder_url
    "Parameter": {
        "Name": "/uc3/ezid/ui/default/binder_url",
        "Type": "String",
        "Value": "",
        "Version": 2,
        "LastModifiedDate": "2022-05-21T09:23:32.451000-07:00",
        "ARN": "arn:aws:ssm:us-west-2:451826914157:parameter/uc3/ezid/ui/default/binder_url",
        "DataType": "text"

-bash-4.2$ aws ssm put-parameter --name /uc3/ezid/ui/default/binder_url --value "" --type String --overwrite
    "Version": 4,
    "Tier": "Standard"
-bash-4.2$ aws ssm get-parameter --name /uc3/ezid/ui/default/binder_url
    "Parameter": {
        "Name": "/uc3/ezid/ui/default/binder_url",
        "Type": "String",
        "Value": "",
        "Version": 4,
        "LastModifiedDate": "2024-03-07T14:32:09.277000-08:00",
        "ARN": "arn:aws:ssm:us-west-2:451826914157:parameter/uc3/ezid/ui/default/binder_url",
        "DataType": "text"
jsjiang commented 4 months ago

Domain change has completed and tested for both stage and prd.