CDLUC3 / ezid

CDLUC3 ezid
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Test High Availability EZID Stage servers #602

Closed jsjiang closed 3 months ago

jsjiang commented 3 months ago

Test High Availability EZID Stage servers:

jsjiang commented 3 months ago

Load test results:

  1. mint with 10 or 15 users on single server vs
  2. mint with 5, 10, 15, 20 users against 2 servers behind a load balancer (date: 20230327)



jsjiang commented 3 months ago

Load tests results (3/27/2024):

jsjiang commented 3 months ago

More tests:


jsjiang commented 3 months ago

Load tests results (date 3/28/2024):

jsjiang commented 3 months ago

Sender's email address in email notifications (Batch download, link checker report):

Subject: Your EZID batch download link
From: <>
To: <>

Thank you for using EZID to easily create and manage your identifiers. The batch download you requested is available at:

The download will be deleted in 1 week.


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Thank you for using EZID to easily create and manage your identifiers. The batch download you requested is available at:

The download will be deleted in 1 week.

Best, EZID Team

This is an automated email. Please do not reply.

jsjiang commented 3 months ago

OpenSearch index filebeat-uc3-ezid-stg* (source file: /ezid/var/log/ezid/ecs_json.log) distribute