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CDLUC3 ezid
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Fields to add for search index #618

Open sfisher opened 1 month ago

sfisher commented 1 month ago

The initial pass got most of the fields, but based on the search/filtering detailed code, I need to add the following fields:

This turns out to be somewhat icky since it seems like most thing in search are simply derived values/method return values from other objects.

hasIssues seems to have a method at identifier.computeHasIssues() (but it's on the Search class). linkIsBroken only has values in the search database table and seems to be set from link checker.

So it becomes tricky to set these values if we plan to get rid of the Search table in the future. Almost everything else in search is a derived value but these aren't.

Writing these items to OpenSearch directly:

Set these values elsewhere in the database (maybe identifier table?):

sfisher commented 1 month ago

Jing suggested that we might be able to leave the ezidapp_searchidentifier in place but remove all the columns that are no longer needed (so just leave these flags, the ID and some other things).

I think this may be a good way forward and would minimize the amount of code we need to change.

sfisher commented 1 month ago

Let's go with Jing's idea above and do some data cleanup after OpenSearch is released by cleaning up the table once working.