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Create new shoulders for eScholarship #624

Closed jsjiang closed 1 month ago

jsjiang commented 1 month ago

From Charlotte: Hi EZID team, we have two journals that need DOI shoulders in row 27 and 28 of this spreadsheet:

jsjiang commented 1 month ago

Ref ticekt: #608

jsjiang commented 1 month ago
jsjiang commented 1 month ago

On ezid-stg:

ezid@uc3-ezidui-stg01:15:58:19:~/ezid$ python shoulder-create-doi doi:10.5070/JP2 "Undergraduate Research Journal of Psychology at UCLA" --crossref INFO     shoulder-create-doi - Shoulder created
ezid@uc3-ezidui-stg01:15:58:36:~/ezid$ python shoulder-create-doi doi:10.5070/M7 "MELA Notes" --crossref INFO     shoulder-create-doi - Shoulder created

Run the shoulder-mint command to test the newly created minter

ezid@uc3-ezidui-stg01:15:59:23:~/ezid$ python shoulder-mint doi:10.5070/JP2 INFO     shoulder-mint -     1 4w2d

ezid@uc3-ezidui-stg01:16:03:05:~/ezid$ python shoulder-mint doi:10.5070/M7 INFO     shoulder-mint -     1 4w2f

Verify the shoulder and the associated minter in the database

select * from ezidapp_shoulder where prefix in ('doi:10.5070/JP2', 'doi:10.5070/M7');

select * from ezidapp_minter where prefix in ('doi:10.5070/JP2', 'doi:10.5070/M7')';

jsjiang commented 1 month ago

Grant shoulder access to user accounts in ezid-stg UI

jsjiang commented 1 month ago

To do: create shoulders on EZID-PRD

adambuttrick commented 1 month ago

Created shoulders on EZID-PRD and assigned to appropriate groups and accounts.